Getting Sussy 4 (Among Us)

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A/n: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know! You want Food & Wine part 2. But writing this second part is someone hitched me to the back of their truck and is now dragging me down the road.

It's like pulling teeth! It's agonizing.

Brown toyed with the edge of the table. Hard plastic dug into the base of her palm as she gripped harder and harder. Did it help steel her nerves? No. But it did offer some sort of ground.

Something to keep her at least in the room. Not floating off

She had arranged to meet with Orange after receiving Good or bad she didn't know yet. All she had in her mind was the way Tan pulled her aside and told her the results. He already knew who the 'father' was because of the DNA samples he had of every crew member. And Brown knew that when he strongly advised letting Orange know, it was the right thing to do.

No matter how hard it was.

Her tablet had said 2:14 when she had walked into the cafeteria. She and Orange had secretly agreed to meet at 15 past. And just as she thought of checking her device again, the woman entered the room.

Brown swallowed thickly as she watched Orange walk in like she owned the place. Her lover pointed play finger guns at her and made a fake shooting sound, which Brown just shook her head at, before sitting next to her. "You wanted to talk?" she husked, moving to place a hand on Brown's thigh, only to be rejected.

It wasn't anything new to her. Their relationship was rocky, they had started out as enemies! But that didn't mean they didn't care for each other, that Orange wasn't falling in love with her.

So she easily picked up on the strange aura emanating from Brown. "What's wrong?" she questioned, trying to read her face. But Brown had her head turned, trying to fight tears from the emotions that had a rightful cause. "Brown?" Orange had a level of care and emotion in her voice that Brown had never heard before, yet she still didn't look at her. "Did- What's going on, are you hurt?"

She shook her head no, biting back a whimper.

"Then please, please tell me. I...I you and...." Orange sighed. All was quiet.

How could they have been so...stupid, so blind? Brown felt this bitter anger rise within her for no reason. She sniffled as hot tears started rolling down her face. "I-I'm pregnant-" she sobbed. She wished to curl up in a ball then. To have never met Orange, to have never fallen for her charm and-and good looks and- stupid, stupid, stupid-

"I..." Orange was quiet except for the single word. She was mindless, confused, stunned. "You'" She couldn't even say child. It had never really crossed her mind, either of their minds that they might want kids one day. Even as a hormone driven teen, Orange never really considered eventually...having kids of her own. And now...

Brown cried, feeling guilty and sad and above all angry. But she wouldn't lash out at Orange this time. No, she didn't have the energy, didn't have the power to yell and scream and hit like she thought she would when she finally told her. She was drained.

"Okay...okay...okay..."Orange clearly started formulating a response, a plan, thoughts of how to calm Brown and reassure her...and herself. "It's gonna be okay, we'll...we'll do something and figure something out. I'll..."


"No, it's-it's okay-" She took Brown's hand, getting a little closer. And Brown realized how much she needed crewmate contact right then. She was starving for connection and solace. Starving for a promise.

She let Orange take her hand and even engulfed her in a hug, crying softly into her shoulder.

Orange continued whispering. Knowing that no matter what she would stick by Brown. "It's going to be okay."

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