Sarah × Ms. A - Part 1

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~Ms.A's pov~

Sarah softly caressed my cheek. The sudden affection making me close my eyes and lean into her. "We shouldn't..." I started and opened my eyes again looking at hers.

"Just one kiss?" she said "Please?"

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her neck as she dropped her hand to my hips. Bringing me closer I could feel her breath tickling my face. She kissed me lightly at first almost as if she was scared I would run away if she was too aggressive with it. But I pulled her in even closer. Instantly becoming addicted to the taste of her lips and the feel of her hands wandering my body. As the kiss became more intense she hoisted me up onto the desk behind me. Feeling the cool wood on my ass made me realize how hard I was.

Suddenly I was self-conscious of what Sarah might say if she found out about my condition. At the same time, a knock sounded on the door which in turn, startled Sarah making her pull away from me. Clearing my throat I wondered who was at the door. "Come in!" I said with a hint of nervousness in my voice. Ms. Manlow opened the door.

"Hey, Lauren wanted to know if you had any extra hand-outs for the students?"

I was so relieved that she wasn't fully aware of what just happened "Uhmm no? No no sorry" I said a little too quickly.

Ms. Manlow quirked an eyebrow as if to say 'What the fuck was going on in here?' But she kept her mouth shut.

After she left I let out a sigh of relief. "Sarah..."

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