Hippokrates' Apprentice: The Beginning 4 (ACO)

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Away from the chatter of the few people that wandered the area, you sat with Kassandra upon a granite bench with the sight of a beautifully constructed altar for Hera. It was adorned with luscious pink and red flowers along with coins and freshly placed fruits. It even had what appeared to be a hand-crafted scepter painted with dye rich paint.

Kassandra gazed upon the sight too and, unbeknownst to her, you took her momentary distraction to sit a mite closer. Your thighs brushing. Though, you did not meet her gaze when you saw her look down at where you touched through your peripherals, your heart pounded in your chest as she then looked at you before looking back at the altar.

All was silent for a moment before Kassandra cleared her throat slightly and then spoke.

"When I was younger...I had a friend who prayed to Hera every day. He prayed for a beautiful wife to bear his children. When he found her, he then prayed for the safe birth of his child. And when his wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy, he prayed for the longevity of his marriage."

"...Is he still married?" you inquired quietly. Just curious.

"I do not know." Kassandra replied, "But I do believe that Hera really did hear his prayers. For how could he have gotten that far without guidance?"

You nodded in agreement, finding that in your own experience it was better to pray to the gods than to not. Though, you had never really prayed to Hera or Aphrodite.

"I was lost in a delusion, blinded by a false reality." Kassandra glanced at you to find you looking right back at her, listening attentively. This seemed to encourage her to continue. "It wasn't until Alexios and Myrrine found me and showed me that I still had a purpose, a family, that I...began to live again. As Kassandra, not...Deimos." She sighed and dug the toe of her sandal into the soft dirt below before quickly stopping her actions, trying not to appear nervous. You watched as Kassandra cleared her throat again, sitting up straight. "I am glad to have met you because...because I really do think that you're beautiful and kind and I really really like you."

A warm feeling erupted in your heart and traveled down your nerves, into every crevice of your body as you heard her confession and admired her candid nature with you. "Kassandra..." you said. Unable to control the urge to say how you really felt you shifted to straddle the bench and you felt your heart jump as she paused for only a second before copying your movements, almost naturally in sync with you. "Kassandra..." you murmured again, eyeing her as you two were face to face, forced to take each other in.

Her cheeks were flushed just as they always seemed to be when she was around you. One hand gripped her knee while the other played with the tassels on her belt despite her determination to seem unwavered by your proximity. You noted how Kassandra's rate of breath was steadily increasing the longer you stayed silent and, without thinking, you raised a hand and carefully placed it on her breastplate. Right above where her heart would be.

Immediately, she took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, repeating the exercise perhaps subconsciously. She gave a small, barely audible grunt as she scooted forward a bit in an air of confidence. Now, your knees were encased by hers and you leaned forward a bit, not even registering how you kept glancing at her lips, over and over again.

She did the same.

And your heart raced in your chest when Kassandra licked her lips before speaking, "You are very beautiful." she whispered, looking into your eyes leaning even closer.

You couldn't help but smile at her compliment before closing the gap. You kissed her.

At first it felt as if Kassandra had froze seeing as she had stopped breathing for a second and just let you press your lips to hers. But just as you were about to pull away feeling an anxious wave of embarrassment start to creep upon you, she pressed back into you. And, albeit soppily, she kissed you back attempting to copy your movements. When you slightly opened your mouth, she did too, and you could taste her as your saliva intermingled for the first time.

Kassandra tasted faintly of the sweetness of jujubes and just her. You fought back a moan at the taste and realization that you really were kissing her.

Instead, you sighed through your nose and pulled back slightly to her reluctance after she pushed a little too hard into you, nearly nicking your lip with her teeth. "Follow-" you whispered in the split second before you kissed her again, attempting to set the pace. And luckily, she listened.

You could have sworn that you heard Kassandra whine as you reached and guided her hands to hold your hips while you cradled her face and cupped her jawline in your hands to hopefully relax and guide her.

Kassandra's hold on your hips tightened as you slowly stepped things up a bit more. Increasing the pace just a mite. And even though you had not imagined your first kiss as some sort of...kissing session. You couldn't help the urge, the pull, the drive to give her all that you had. Though, you did not wish to overwhelm her and have her pull away. You decided to end it before you lost your mind with....lust.

You were both breathing heavily as you retreated, still allowing her to lay sweet kisses upon your cheek and neck and temple. She nosed into your skin and even pulled your flush to her in a hug. 

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