Sexual Education 2 (Alcina D.)

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It was no secret that Alcina found the young woman's inexperience arousing, that being said she still knew that it was important to educate her about everything there was to know about sex. After all, she'd hate for the woman to do something that she wasn't quite ready for.

So, settled in the library with Y/n seated on her lap. They had many books spread around them along with a few files, all containing information about puberty, sexual intercourse, and pregnancy. They had already gone through the ones about females, now Alcina just wanted to teach her about males.

She picked up yet another large paper-back and set it in Y/n's lap, splayed open for both of them to see. It was easier to let Y/n flip through the books and just have her ask questions rather than bore her by reading it aloud.

Her hands found Y/n's waist again and she hummed softly, resting her chin atop the human's head while she waited for any questions.

"Why do men have beards but women don't?" Y/n said. Alcina had to look at the book to see her pointing at a picture of a burly man with admirable muscles and a thick beard. He stood next to a scrawny boy to show an extreme comparison.

Alcina thought for a moment before giving her the best answer she could. "Men produce mainly testosterone. The hair follicles on their faces, especially around the jaw area, respond more to the hormone and grow into thicker, darker hairs that can further grow into beards if not cut regularly."

Y/n nodded and flipped the page satisfied with the answer. "So we have estrogen right?"

"Yes, mostly," Alcina hummed, looking down at the new pages. They started getting into the topic of male genitalia, something she had yet to talk about with Y/n. WIth another turn of the page they were met by a diagram of a penis and testicles. While Alcina raised her eyebrows slightly, not expecting it, Y/n looked at it curiously, tracing the outline of it.

"What's an erection?" she said, reading the small paragraph next to the picture. Alcina knew Y/n could have easily read more to get an answer but she seemed to have wanted to hear it from her Lady.

"It's when a certain part of the penis fills with blood, causing the entire organ to stand upright or erect." Her thumbs rubbed circles on Y/n's stomach as she thought. "When they reach the peak of their arousal they can ejaculate semen, kind of like when I touched you and that thing happened."

Y/n squirmed in her lap, perhaps she was thinking about that moment. "So I ejaculated?"

"No orgasmed."

"Oh," she said softly, flipping the page again to another picture. "And semen is the stuff that can get you pregnant?"

"Yes, sperm, semen, it's all the same. Remember, women have eggs, men have sperm." Y/n nodded in understanding before listening to Alcina go over how the sperm fertilized an egg and developed. This topic was met with innocent questions just like the last. It didn't annoy Alcina, in fact, she found it incredibly adorable, watching Y/n point to pictures and wonder.

She also enjoyed the closeness of having the human in her lap.

Her mind fell into the gutter as she thought of the last time she had her hand between Y/n's legs and the noises she made. God, she could listen to them on repeat for days. Soon Alcine came to the conclusion that the lesson could wait for later.

She felt her own heartbeat increase at the thought of sliding her fingers into Y/n. To feel the woman clenching around her, oh, it would be heaven. Then her mind went to the fact that she, Alcina Dimitrescu, had taken Y/n's virginity. There was something about that statement that filled her with some sort of pride. Now all she had to do was mark her and lay a certified claim to her and she thought now would be the perfect time.

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