Anger, Control, Dominate 3 (Alcina D.)

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Elegant was the perfect word to describe your Mistress. The way she delicately held a cigarette between her fingers, to the way she gently tapped it on the side of the closest ashtray to discard the gray matter and reveal new red embers.

Watching her perform the act was simply....perfect.

Currently, the nearest ashtray was on the upper right corner of her new vanity. A large thing made of sleek mahogany wood colored a deep, rich red varnish. Scaled to her proportions, it had six drawers. Three on one side, three on the other, they were already filled with papers and pens and stamps.

There was a mirror that reflected her every expression, every movement. At the moment it showed her furrowed brow as she took a drag and studied the last document in front of her. It also displayed you as a book rested in your hands whilst your back rested against her front, sat in her lap.

Reading silently, you flipped page after page, trying not to let the smoke bother you too much as she worked. She seemed to just enjoy your presence. And even though you were paying attention to your novel, you also observed her whilst listening to the small comments she made under her breath. Just little things, a word or two about Lord Heisenberg or experiments, stuff that didn't concern you.

She picked up her pen after she'd finished reading the document in hand, signing her name. The lines swirled on the page, the ink a deep black color. She dotted her I's and pressed her seal to the paper. Deft hands made her actions look so professional and...elegant.

Your eyes followed her hands as she folded the paper, reaching into a drawer to retrieve an envelope and whatever else she needed. She slipped the sheet in before giving it another seal, this time with black wax and a stamp. Then, she put it on the upper left corner of the desk.

Once done, she tapped her cigarette on the side of the ashtray before bringing it to her lips for another drag. She had no more papers to do. Perhaps she was thinking the same as your eyes immediately looked down when her free hand came to rest on your thigh, touching the soft skin that was visible below the edge of your short skirt.

Lady Dimitrescu said nothing as her gloveless fingers raised goosebumps on your skin. You glanced up at the mirror as her hand went further. She only stared at her reflection, looking into her own eyes through hazy wisps of smoke.

You tried not to squirm when you felt her touch the inside of your thigh, getting closer. Already your heart was speeding up in your chest as your body began pumping more blood through your veins. If her goal was to excite you and tease you, it was working.

Beginning to feel flushed, you stared at the book in your hands knowing it was pointless to try and read another word. So, you idly toyed with your bookmark mostly out of nerves. Your eyes glanced at the cigarette she held, watching the smoke blend into the surrounding air. Then you looked back into the mirror only slightly startled when you saw her looking at you.

Her eyes watched you intensely yet you couldn't look away. Her golden iris' burned into yours as you watched her exhale before reaching and stubbing out her cigarette. Then her hand went to your other thigh slightly spreading your legs.

Then her voice husked into your ear, "Put your book on the desk."

You didn't hesitate to follow her directions, placing the novel on the desk before you clasped your hands in your lap, unsure of what to do.

She didn't say anything more, only slid her fingers even closer to that special spot in between your legs as she nosed at the back of your ear. Her eyes fluttered closed and you could only watch as the mirror showed her taking in your scent before rubbing her own onto your skin. Her nose massaging her invisible claim into the space behind your ear.

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