Comfort in a Different World (Alcina D.)

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"Oh good girl, come to mommy."

Alcina bent and picked you up as tears streamed down your face. Too much emotion was coursing through you, too much had happened today...and what had been building up for the past god-knows how long had pushed you over.

Alcina knew how it was, she felt your pain and was now here to comfort you.

"That's it..." Your face was buried into her neck as you sobbed, smaller body trembling, smaller hands holding onto her. "I've got you, darling..."

"A-Alcina..." you wanted to whimper but the words were caught in a sob. Stuttered breaths were the only thing you were able to get out until you slowly began to calm.

Rhythmic swaying and soft kisses upon your head, filled with nothing but love, nothing but Alcina soothing you.

Eventually, you picked your head up and looked at her. She smiled.

Her perfume and cool skin made you feel a little better. "There now...there's my sweet darling..." A gloved thumb came up and wiped tears from your cheeks.

You need not explain why you were in so much distress to begin with. Alcina knew. She always knew.

"I love you. I love you so much. So does Cassandra, and Daniela, and Bela."

You looked down for a brief moment but she grabbed your attention with a kiss on the cheek and the soft nuzzling of her cheek against your jaw, comforting, lulling you back into her aura.

"You know, whenever things get to be too much, castle Dimitrescu is always your home and your safe space, and I will always be here, waiting for you."

A/n: I know it's super short. I wrote it a few days ago and never posted it here also, 


I have a Bela Dimitrescu book that I just posted so if you're into her, maybe check it out. 

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