Pomade 1 (Sadie A. x Abigail R.)

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She had gotten a haircut.

Golden locks hanging down to her shoulders now instead of her mid-back. Hair, slicked back with pomade.

Uncommon for ladies but Abigail found that Sadie pulled the look off nicely. The cowgirls jaw line accentuated, freckles clear.

Abigail was clearly attracted to her, even more so by her new look. And when Sadie came up to her and said "Hey." in that southern drawl…oh lord.

"Hi." Abigail looked the woman over again and again. She stood in front of her. Hips canted forth just slightly in a cocky manner, dressed in a clean shirt and slacks. Her boots had a shine to them, so did her twin pistols.

She was good looking and she knew it.

"Abigail…What you up to?"

"Just…sewing Jack's ripped shirt, old thing…"

Sadie hummed before settling on the ground next to Abigail. "Y'know I got some cash from that last score…let me get you two somethin'."


"I insist. Let me treat ya. You've been so kind to me ever since I got here."

Take from Sadie? No way.

"I mean it Abigail." She took her hand, stopping her just as she poked the needle through the shirt again. "You could come with me, pick out whatever you wanted."

Abigail's breath faltered for a second. Just her and Sadie…like a date? "I…" How could she refuse this? "I guess…but I've gotta repay you somehow, I mean it, Sadie, I-"

Sadie dismissed her with a wave before standing with a grunt, holding out the same hand to help the young mother up. "You don't owe me nothin'."

The cowgirls hand was somehow strong but soft, as if years of hard labor was wrapped in supple skin. Abigail found herself relishing the contact as she was helped to her feet.

"Sure…" she whispered, idly agreeing to whatever Sadie said. Abigail was too busy focusing on the cowgirl's hands and quite honestly, her ass. It mesmerized Abigail as she was led to Sadie's horse.

The same soft hands helped her up and the same soft hands took the reins.


"Valentine ain't got the best selection of kids clothes…I probably should've thought of that before we…"

They stood in front of the counter of the general store, flipping through the catalogue. Sadie reading and Abigail looking at the pictures since she couldn't…well…read. But Sadie didn't have to know about that part.

"This one looks fine." Abigail pointed to an illustration of a young man, dressed in work jeans along with a scout jacket and clean shirt. "Would be good for the cold, if we ever end up there again."

"Yeah…" Sadie scared her chin thinking, "Just…won't it be a bit big on the boy?"


"I'm just sayin', we'd be better off checkin' for the smallest size."

Abigail smiled and turned to Sadie, taking her chance to subtly flirt. "I'm not sure Jack would appreciate you callin' him small."

"Well, he'll grow in time."

"Hmm…I don't know…I might…have to…"


"Tell him."

Sadie faked a surprised gasp and smiled, "You wouldn't dare…"

"Sorry. My mind's all made up."

"Ms. Roberts I didn't pin you for a tattle tale. If only I could convince you to keep my secret."

Abigail feigned consideration. "Hmmm…"

"How about…dinner for two, tonight…?"


Abigails train of thought froze. How-how did Sadie slip that in so smoothly and what the hell did it mean?

She had to make a decision quick because in a millisecond her own smile faded and was replaced by her gaping like a cod. "Okay, yes, okay, that would...change...my...mind."

And while Abigail stuttered and continued to wrap her head around a dream come true, Sadie smiled and seemed to be as cool as a cucumber. She signaled the boy restocking the shelves.

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