"For the First" - 2

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Lena stirred awake, woken by the light coming in through her large bedroom window. She found that she and Y/n had shifted during the night and the young woman who was once in her arms was now sleeping soundly, clutching a pillow with the blankets drawn over her shoulders to protect her from the slightly chilled air. She smiled to herself, loving the idea and reality of having a woman in her bed. A woman who was her girlfriend of two months.

Honestly, Lena felt as if she could have laid there forever, watching Y/n sleep in the most non-creepy way possible but she felt the overwhelming urge to go pee and so she quickly but quietly exited the bed and made her way to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Once she closed the door she, obviously peed, but she also looked at herself in the mirror after washing her hands, noting her mussed hair and naked body. She studied her face as if she was trying to see a difference from herself the other day. As if she could tell her present self apart from her past self, her virgin self.

Lena saw no difference but she felt more confident and, at least for the time being, happier. She was kind of surprised and relieved. She didn't want to have her positive mood soured with disappointment if she had indeed found nothing different about herself from the life-changing experience. She loved last night and truth be told she loved Y/n. Was it too soon to say that? After one night of love-making, she had fallen for her.

"I really like you, Lena..."

The words circled in her mind, putting a smile on her face. A smile that she carried with her as she walked out of the bathroom and saw Y/n's still sleeping figure. She quietly stepped over to her dresser and got out a clean pair of boxers even she had not showered yet. She thought of possibly asking Y/n to join her under the warm cascade of water when she did bathe. Would the woman say no? Lena hoped not. She pushed those thoughts aside and put on a bra and t-shirt before leaving the bedroom, closing the door softly as to not wake Y/n.

Lena thought briefly of what to make for breakfast. Yes, despite what the public may have assumed about her, Lena could cook. She wasn't a 5-star chef or anything but with enough effort and knowledge she could put together something delicious. She thought back on what she had seen Y/n eat at the office. Most days the young woman skipped breakfast but when she did eat she usually had some sort of breakfast sandwich accompanied by a cup of coffee. Lena had coffee, eggs, bacon, and bread so she figured she could whip something up.

Wanting to have the food done before or if not, just as Y/n woke up she washed her hands again, put her hair into a loose bun, and got to work.

Starting her coffee maker, Lena measured out a fair amount of coffee grounds, some Trader Joe's brand that she had gotten weeks ago but hadn't really used, not being much of a coffee drinker herself. 'Medium Roast' it read. She liked it well enough and hoped Y/n would too. Measuring the water and waiting for the coffee to start dripping into the coffee pot below, she got started on the food.

Within half an hour the glorious smell of eggs and bacon filled the penthouse. She silently appreciated her cooking skills as she plated the food leaving the eggs, bacon, and bread separated on Y/n's plate in case she didn't want to make a sandwich this time. She took two mugs from the cupboard and filled each with steaming hot coffee. Then she set out cream and sugar in case Y/n wanted some.

Right on cue, Y/n emerged from her room dressed in her panties and one of Lena's t-shirts. She was yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her hair was messy and the t-shirt had old bleach stains on it but Lena, Lena thought she looked beautiful. "Hey..." Lena said with a gleaming smile, holding out a steaming cup for Y/n as she seated herself at one of the barstools.

"G'morning," Y/n mumbled still waking up. She gasped at the coffee cup seeming to relish the feeling of the hot beverage. 

Lena slid the sugar and creamer over to her, watching her pour apple amounts of cream with only a dash of sugar, something she took note of for if she were to ever make Y/n another cup of coffee. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really good. You?"

She watched Y/n sip on her coffee while she answered. "I slept pretty well. I made breakfast by the way." Lena reached over and grabs the two plates that she previously prepared. As soon as she sat one of them down in front of Y/n the woman immediately began assembling her food into yet another breakfast sandwich. Lena couldn't help but smile finding it sort of cute. "You really like those, don't you?" she said, taking a bite full of eggs.

"Yeah..." Y/n said sheepishly, as if she was shy about her love for the food. "I do. Wait how'd you-?"

"It's the only thing you eat at work when you...eat at work," Lena said quickly and silently hoped she didn't come off as some sort of stalker. Thankfully Y/n eased her tension by giving her a shy smile.

"I forget that you're my boss sometimes...sorry for borrowing your shirt, by the way, I-I'll give it back I promise." Y/n suddenly seemed very nervous. "I just didn't have anything else to wear, I didn't think I'd be spending the night and-"

"Hey, hey, hey...It's all right. Relax." Lena reached forward and grabbed her hand.


"No need to apologize, keep the shirt, it's yours." she insisted. Again she found it cute, the fact that Y/n was comfortable enough to slip on one of her shirts.


Lena chuckled. "I've gotta give you something to remember me by right?"

Y/n smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. 

"Anyways um..." Lena suddenly felt nervous, she had something important to tell, well, ask Y/n. "I have this meeting, well, it's more of a gathering-party thing. I was wondering if you'd be my date?"

Her heartbeat increased when she saw Y/n process her words and consider her offer. "Well," Y/n mumbled swallowing her food. "I would be honored to, seeing as I'm your...girlfriend."

Lena smiled, feeling like she could reach across the counter and hug Y/n to death. She felt even happier hearing to word girlfriend. Even though they established that was what they were a couple of weeks ago, both of them still felt nervous using the term. "I'll get you a dress yeah?" 

"Yeah," Y/n said softly and smiled.

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