Care Giver 10 (Delted Chapter)

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The halls were empty.

No maids walked past, the sound of creaky-old carts was absent. The noise of the occasional scream gone.

All that occupied the lavish couch outside of Lady Dimitrescu's door was you.

You were a nervous wreck.

The last thing you remembered was Bela walking you through the halls, but no matter what you said, she wouldn't say anything back. Her face had been stoic, grip hard on your hand, nearly dragging you as you tried multiple times to get her to stop.

But finally she had approached her mother's door, pushed you down on the couch and then dissipated into a flurry of flies.

Now it was just you, the clock made you sick with anxiety. Somehow, the ticking signalling your impending doom.

You were so close to standing and running as far and fast as you could after, for some reason, not doing it before, but then the grand doors opened.

Out stepped the matriarch, holding them open.

One single glace at you told you to follow her mark, and so you stood and walked past her entering.


Now you were in a seat, though you, again, did not know how you got there or what exactly was happening.

Lady Dimitrescu sat across from you in her signature white dress with black gloves and hat. Her quellazaire in had, smoke wafting around her.

After taking a puff she frowned at you and then exhaled, "Speak."

The words seemed to flood from your mouth endlessly but you did not know where they came from. You did not think them, form them. Instead they were pulled from you by her gaze, by fear.

You gave an account of your feelings for Bela, describing each interaction you've ever had with her in excruciating detail.

You told of the countless notes and doodles you've made in your notebook, the moment you first saw her to even your most recent conversation.

All the while Lady Dimitrescu slowly grew in height, taller and taller and taller 'til she began to grunt in pain and discomfort. Her hat bending and crumpling against the ceiling.

Hands pushing at the walls. She seemed to fill the room.

But you kept talking on and on and on. You couldn't stop. You closed your eyes and wished for it to end.

But it didn't.

She started yelling, screaming, shouting loudly, telling you to shut up until she then switched to saying you were done.

It was the only thing that filled your ears, your mind.

That and your rambling.

Then you looked up, saw her claws and-


You sat up with a gasp, Bela's voice called to you, right next to you.

"It's okay, it's gonna be alright."

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