Elsa's Problem - 8

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Y/n grinned and reached to brush a stray piece of ashen hair from Elsa's face, tucking it behind her ear. Her hand then came to rest on her cheek.

"How did you get in here?" Elsa asked softly, trying to distract herself.

"Did you know that your sister can pick locks?"

"No..." Elsa said quietly, in a whisper. Her face burned and she tried with everything she had not to think about the raging erection that was most definitely making a tent in her skirt. She knew that the only reason why Y/n hadn't noticed yet was because she hadn't looked down. "I didn't know...." She closed her eyes for a moment attempting to calm her heart and mind.

It didn't work out though because Y/n took that opportunity to kiss her again. The maid's hand cradled Elsa's face as their lips pressed together for a brief moment before Elsa pulled away. She even had to press a hand to Y/n's chest to keep her from kissing her once more. She sat up, her heart still pounding. "I have to tell you something!"


"I have to tell you something and I'm- I'm sorry. And I- I don't want to lie to you. I can't-" Elsa stopped when Y/n's hand went to hers, bringing it away from her chest so that she could hold it. Their fingers interlaced and Elsa's mind reeled as she tried to put her confession into words.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, no. I'm-" The words got caught in her throat. She felt like she was on the verge of tears, why was this so hard?

"I'm sorry for kissing you. I should have asked first."

"No, it was- I- You were fine. It's me. I'm the problem." Her words were strained and she hated how she stuttered so much. It's just that she was so, so nervous. She had to get it over with, she had to say it. "I have a penis!"


Elsa spoke again just before Y/n could look down, her words jumbled, "Ihaveanerection."

The look on Y/n's face was something that Elsa would never forget. The surprise, the shock. She didn't know why, but she started talking, explaining. She spoke of the day she first woke up after visiting Grand Pabbie, she spoke of the reason why she had it and therefore how she could get rid of it.

There was a moment of silence after she finished and realized that Y/n's expression had gone from shock to confusion and a bit of intrigue. "...I....I don't understand." The maids' eyes glanced up at hers before going back down to the tent in her dress. "You're telling me that trolls, the trolls, gave you a...penis...so that you could have an heir and pass down your powers. But the...it...won't go away until you get...me...pregnant."

"Yes," was all Elsa could say. She felt so silly, so stupid for thinking that this would work out. How could she have been so naive?

"...Are you a guy?"

"Wh- No!" Elsa said, genuinely caught off guard by the question. But to be fair it was a valid one. "No....I am not."

Now Y/n cringed a bit. "Okay, I'm sorry."

"It's- You don't have to be sorry. I....I get why you asked."

It was silent once more. Elsa couldn't help but shift nervously as she watched Y/n watch her. The woman stared at her hard-on even though it was still covered by her skirt and underwear. Her eyes then went to their hands that were still holding each other yet....she didn't pull away.

"That's what you were covering...." Elsa heard Y/n whisper to herself. "What does it feel like?"

Now this Elsa had to think about. What did it feel like? She tried to recall back when she didn't have it but found that she couldn't remember any real differences. "It's more convenient when I have to use the bathroom."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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