Sexual Education (Alcina D.)

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Finally, they had gotten some time alone.

After weeks of busy schedules and plenty of interrupting phone calls, Alcina was finally getting some well deserved alone time with Y/n.

She had the door locked and the young woman on her lap. Their hands roamed each other, lips together.

Soon Alcina felt Y/n's hands slip between them but she didn't feel them continue their venture on her body. She pulled away gently, realizing what Y/n was doing.

"Why'd you stop?" the young woman said opening her eyes, she licked her lips as if to savor the taste of Alcina.

"You're...holding yourself..." she said slowly, looking down at Y/n's hands cupping herself over her pants.

Y/n followed her gaze down as if she was just now noticing. "Sorry," she said feeling her face burn, looking away.

Her hands did not move though.

"Are you...okay?" Alcina asked, running her hands up Y/n's arms. It was odd for Y/n or anyone for that matter to just hold themselves.

"...Yes," Y/n said quietly. She wouldn't look Alcina in the eye. Something was wrong.

"Are you..." she tried not to repeat her question. "...Do you have to go use the bathroom or...?"

Y/n chuckled and shook her head, looking down.

" can you tell me what's going on down there?" the woman on her lap squirmed clearly somewhat embarrassed about the current situation. "Y/n," she said gently. "Tell me."

Y/n sighed before finally looking Alcina in the eyes and answering. "It's stuff."

"Your stuff?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Y'know...down there."

She slowly got what place Y/n meant. "What's wrong? Does it hurt?" Maybe she needed to take her to see a doctor.

"Not feels and I don't know...weird, but not in a bad way."

"Oh," she said softly with a smile. This was so precious. "It's alright, that's normal when we're, y'know..."

But Y/n did not know. Alcina smiled even wider when the woman cocked her head to the side, not knowing what she was talking about.

"You're sexually aroused Y/n," she said plainly. "It's a natural response to being in a sexual situation."

"Sexually...aroused?" Y/n said slowly.

Did she really not know?

Alcina would really have to look into the educational system in the town. Y/n was an adult, how could she not have learned about this stuff at some point in her life?

Alcina blinked slowly trying to think of a way to break all of this important information to Y/n. "Do you...have you felt this way before?"

"Yeah...the last time we did this kissing stuff."

Alcina smiled remembering that moment, the way she lifted Y/n against the wall and kissed her until they were both panting for air.

"...But it wasn't as strong as it is now."

That made sense, they hadn't had enough time alone to get her for it to go further. Alcina was needed elsewhere in the castle. "And when we did it the time before that?" she asked, curious.

"No. Not really."

That day they also hadn't had enough time to go further. Infact, they had never gone all the way. Alcina always resented the fact that whenever she was just about to take Y/n to bed something else had to be done.

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