Held it in pt. 2 (Alcina D.)

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A/n: Listen, someone, actually two people, requested a part 2 on AO3 and I figured why not post it on Wattpad, even though y'all were more...unreceptive of the first one here. I guess my thinking is maybe someone will actually like this.

Condensation dripped down the side of your ice-cold glass, adding to the small ring around the base of the beverage.

The ice shifted and floated to the top.

"C'mon. One more," you whispered to yourself, already feeling so full.

Never in your life had you been so...not thirsty, yet your excitement for what your Lady had planned urged you on and, of course, so did her words.

Before she left for a meeting that morning she told you to 'drink up' and ordered the maids to bring you glass after glass. Now you were on your...wait...

How many did you have?

You didn't mind the numbing cold in your hand as you picked up the glass, the fullness in your stomach was more powerful than that. Slowly, you drank, the water sliding down your throat.

You grimaced slightly as you finished draining the glass. Yeah, this would be the last one.

Right on cue, a maid walked in with a silver tray topped with yet another cup. Shaking your head did nothing, she wouldn't take no for an answer out of fear of the Lady's wrath. She couldn't disobey, the water would keep coming.

"Lady Dimitrescu will be back shortly," she promised, sensing your hesitation. Then she left.

You sighed thinking about how you had agreed to this Alcina's way. As far as you knew she planned to get you filled with water. The rest was a mystery. She did just tell you to drink up before leaving for the day.


True to her word, the Lady of the house returned no more than an hour after the maid had come in. You lay on the floor much like she had found you last except this time you weren't immobilized with terrible cramps. You still had the full glass of water in hand. "Darling."

Her greeting curt, brief.

Slowly, you sat up, placing the glass down, watching her curiously as she moved to the large chair, sitting before pouring herself a glass of her signature wine. Red fluid enticing you. Once you had taken a sip after asking her what it tasted like. The strong taste of iron nearly had you gagging and made her laugh. Now she took a sip as if drinking blood was nothing to her.

Alcina looked at you, tilted her head, and then simply patted her lap.
Immediately you scrambled to sit and be cuddled by her.

"How many did you drink?" she asked as you settled.

You did not know so a simple shrug of your shoulders was your answer.

"Hmm..." She took a sip and stared down at you, waiting for something though you didn't know what.

"I-I can maybe go in an hour?" you suggested, assured her. Suddenly you were scared of disappointing her, of making her lose interest.

She just hummed again and took another sip before speaking offering her thoughts. "Longer."




More silence.


Her throat bobbed subtly as she took another sip, swallowing.

How long would she make you wait?

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