Alexanders - Ch 12

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Resting for a moment on my bedroll, I shook my head, trying to fathom what a date could possibly be if it wasn't what apparently had just been sex.

Sadie had spoken of dinner and talking. Is that what people did at restaurants?  And did a saloon count as a restaurant? Hell, could me and Chase even go to a restaurant together? My thoughts started to run rampant as I sat, thinking. I knew that I had to ask Sadie, or else this entire thing would be a disaster should I go through with speaking with Chase.

I stood with a grunt, making my way over to Sadie, who sat with Charles as he made yet another stew.

"Yes, Sarah?" Sadie said without even looking at me. It was as if she had been anticipating me.

"I have a question." I said so matter of fact-like. "Why can't me and Chase just do what we normally do? I don't understand the whole restaurant thing."

Sadie sighed, growing tired from the lack of cooperation on both mine and Chase's part. " 'Cause, it's romantic and you two need to talk not just fuck."

And, wow. Way to just put it out there.

My face burned when the last word left her mouth. Charles made no comment, his face blank as he stood up and walked elsewhere not wanting to engage in our conversation.

I couldn't look Sadie in the eyes after what she just said. So, I spoke quietly while I shifted uncomfortably. "I just...What if we can't even go together? Y'know...sometimes... sometimes folk ain't too kind when I'm with her."

"Blackwater's a good place. It ain't no Saint Denis but..." Sadie sighed again and it was then that I looked at her.

I still wasn't convinced and it must've shown on my face. She had to try and understand, some people really, really hated seeing two gals together even if we weren't touching each other. I could still remember many an insult thrown our way.

I looked over at Chase who quietly brushed her horse at the edge of camp. She murmured softly to her horse, letting her chew on the carrot she held.

And I wondered how I would go about this. Now would be the perfect time to bring up the idea to Chase. We both hadn't spoken in a minute and we had both calmed down. But what the hell would I say?

'Chase, we should go out. Together.'

'Hey, Chase, how are you? Good? Wonderful. Let's go to a restaurant together.'

'Chase...would you go on a date with me?'

I sighed to myself, they all sounded kind of awkward in my head. I knew that the actual delivery wouldn't be as smooth as I intended it to be. "You gotta tell me what to do, what to say."

"Tell you? Sarah, it's self explanatory."

"I ain't never done this before. Couldn't you help a bit?"

"I've already helped the two of you enough." Sadie raised a brow at me, feeling too through with me and Chase. "Just go talk to her. Please."

It made sense to just bite the bullet, right?

I couldn't help but frown, my uncertainty clear on my face. But Sadie gave me a look that said she'd drag me over if my feet didn't start moving. So, begrudgingly, I went without a plan.

Chase noticed me immediately. Leaning in to whisper something to her horse.

I inhaled deeply before exhaling and then started my approach. "Chase?"

She turned towards me nodding her head in acknowledgment. "Sarah..."

"I...was..." All of a sudden the words got stuck in my throat. Holy shit. Why was it so hard to speak? "I came over here to uhm-" Chase waited patiently as I stumbled over my words like a fucking idiot. This- this was the worst case scenario. I paused for a moment feeling how hot my face truly was. My heart was beating all fast-like and my palms were sweaty. What, was I crushing on her all over again?

"Umm," she said softly, "Would you like to go a restaurant together?"

I don't know how she did it. Chase appeared to be only a little nervous if anything while I was on the verge of passing out. "Yes- yes, please." I said quickly, as if she'd retract her offer. And I felt as if I wanted to say more but found myself biting my tongue for some reason.

"Sadie, she already told me the schedule for the next couple of days. Said that- that we'd stick here for another day if you want to go tomorrow?"

"Okay." I said, nodding. Surely Sadie would be right about this whole date thing.


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