At the Temple of Asklepios 2 (Kassandra ACO)

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“Chaire, Y/n.”

“Kassandra?” You were leaning against one of the pillars under the Temple of Asklepios, just as the misthios you met a week ago had. But when you heard her light but somehow gruff voice you perked up, for some reason a little excited.

“Chaire,” she said again, standing beside you to watch the docks. “Your life is well?”

“Well, enough,” you said with a shrug. “How did the job go?” 

“Ah, it was well. He needed some Spartans taken care of.”

“You didn’t hurt yourself...did you?” You found yourself asking such an odd question to an otherwise stranger. So, you chuckled to try and cover up your concern.

“No...I am safe. And even if I did, it’d be worth it-” She prodded the pouch on her hip and the coins inside clinked against each other. “500 drachmae.” The smile on her face showed how proud she was. It lit up her features in a decidedly cute way, adorable, even.

Impressive. “Very...good…” You cleared your throat, dragging your gaze away from her. “I am guessing, you will pay your men and...what else?”

“Armor.” She shrugged. “Put it towards getting a new hull for my ship.”

“You run into a lot of trouble at sea?”

“We are at war! What place is safe?”

Your gaze was on her again, watching her talk. “Pirates?” you murmured to continue her talking, and it worked.

While she went on about an encounter she had, you memorized her features once more. Her cheeks had a slight blush to them, forehead was slightly sweaty with baby hairs plastered to it. Her jawline was sharp and strong. And as you traced it to the base you noticed a small nick, a scabbing cut.

“The braziers were lit-”

“You’re hurt,” you interrupted, keeping your eyes trained on her wound. 


“Hurt, a cut- here.” Your hand slowly reached out, finger extended to point at the injury that she probably didn’t even know she had.

And as she tilted her head, unknowingly giving you more viewing access to her wound, you saw a bit of blood streaked around if she’d wiped it and-

“Tsk, what do you mean?”

“O-on your neck, there, a cut,” you restated. 

Since she could not see herself, you watched as her grimy hand came up and wiped the area, making you cringe at how...unsanitary the whole action was.

"I am fine," she assured, flashing her hand to you. "See? No blood."

"Please, allow me to clean it, you...your hands are quite the sight."


"Yes. Clean. My home is...far but we can make it there before sunset. Then you'll have a place to stay the night and hot food." The invitation came spilling from you.

Where had it come from?

Kassandra looked at you with an expression that could have been easily mistaken for hesitation, but the step she took closer showed that it was something else. "I wouldn't want to impose…"

"Nonsense, how often do I get a misthios in my home?"

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