Pt 2 Chapter 4 - Not alone

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Y/n's POV

The sky overhead was grey with clouds and the breeze was crisp. Me and Nat had been training and were now playfully sparring. I wasn't allowed to use my powers so it was a little unfair. Nat threw tactical punches and kicks at me but I dodged most of them. I couldn't help but smile at how determined she was. Delicate droplets of rain began to fall from the sky, making a calm sound on the concrete path. I tried to dodge Natasha's right hook but it brushed across my face. "Sorry Sweetie. You'll have to step up your game." She laughed, ducking under my own punch and sliding beneath my legs to get behind me. "Is that a challenge?" I smirked, turning to face the woman. Her hair was wavy from the rain and her pale skin was wet. The water ran down her face and onto her exposed chest. I froze for a moment, taking in the cold air and sight in front of me. Our chests rose and fell in time as I looked over her toned figure. The sports bra and leggings she was wearing were becoming increasingly wetter as the rain got heavier. Without warning she swung at me, knocking my balance as I hurriedly stepped back. With one swift move she pinned me to the ground. She straddled over me, her hands on the ground either side of my head and her face close above mine. "I think I won." She smirked.

"It seems like that doesn't it." I smiled, distracting her. Using a little extra strength from my powers I spun her onto her back, swapping our positions. "But never let your guard down." I looked into her green eyes with a sense of mischief.



"Can I ask you something?" The red-head kept her manner of coolness but her cheeks flushed red.

"Anything darling." I replied curiously.

"I'm ready if you are. So... will you be my girlfriend?" Nat bit her bottom lip after the question escaped them. I nodded quickly and she smiled. Her hands came up to cup my face and she pulled me down. Our lips met softly and grew more passionate as her hands began to move over my back and through my hair. She flipped me over so she was on top. The rain came down on our bodies, the sound of it hitting the floor was peaceful. Our kiss went on for what felt like a while until the cold grass on my back began to give me goosebumps. "Oh are you cold.?" She asked worryingly as her fingers traced my arms and she felt the coolness of my skin. She got off of me and stood up, flipping her wet hair back out of her face. I propped myself up on my elbows as I took a look at my girlfriend. Her hand held out to mine to help me off the floor. "Let's get you warm shall we?" She joked, leading me inside. I wrapped a clean blanket from the tumble dryer around my shoulders as she crouched down in front of the fire to light it.

Nat built up a pile of old newspaper, kindling and small logs then gently lit it with the matches. Once the flame began to crackle she got up and went to make us a hot chocolate. I knelt in front of the fire and let the heat warm me. "Nat, come and sit down. You don't need to pamper me. Aren't you cold?" The woman nodded at me and I frowned. But after she finished making the drinks she came over to sit with me and I wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. Her head rested on my shoulder as we stared at the flames. The crackling fire and rain on the window sounded blissful, I moved us to the sofa to cuddle. I quickly drank my hot chocolate and together we rested in each others arms. Wrapped in the blanket, warmed by the fire. After dinner I went upstairs to get ready for a shower. Nat had followed me up and was laid on the bed, watching as I brushed through my hair. "You're starring." I smirked.

"Admiring." She said back calmly. I looked over her and she winked at me. I picked up my towel and headed for the bathroom but paused in the doorway. I could still feel her eyes on me before I turned. "Do you. Um. Want to join me?" I asked nervously. Nat's eyes narrowed on me as she crawled off the bed. My heart beat rapidly as I closed the door to the bathroom. My hand hesitated on the handle for a moment but left it as she placed kisses on my shoulder that traveled up my neck. I turned and she rested my back against the wall. "Are you sure?" She stopped and looked me softly in the eyes. I took a deep breath and nodded, leaning in to kiss her. We undressed silently and stepped into the shower. My eyes furiously looked over her perfect body and I felt myself smiling like the cheshire cat before she placed another kiss on my lips. The warm water ran over our skin and the air clouded with steam. Things progressed from there and my confidence with her grew. The intensity was broken as I nearly slipped, causing Nat to burst out laughing and almost slipping as well. "I think that's enough for one day." She smiled, my arms loosely around her neck.

Shortly after we went to bed, falling asleep embraced in the arms of one another. My dreams swirled back to the memory of the day we met, then of the times she had comforted me during the aftermath of a nightmare. Her comforting touch, the calming words. Or her sassy one liners and cheeky smirk. The undeniable coolness and strength compared to her fragile feelings. My girlfriend. I wouldn't be alone anymore, she would always be there.

Nat's POV

I woke up to go to the toilet in the night, I looked down at Y/n. She was smiling yet a tear rolled down her cheek. I watched her, wondering desperately what she was dreaming about. Gently I got up trying not to disturb her. I was still feeling giddy with happiness. I had never really felt it, love. True love. Where the person felt it back, and where I had them all to myself. I went into the bathroom, looking in the mirror at my smile. My life had been so shaky but everything was better now. It was good. I was happy. I was no longer alone.

Our time in Cornwall was drawing to a close, so the following afternoon we began to pack away the clothes. I smiled as I folded away each item, a memory springing to mind with each one. The jumper she had worn, or the tank top I had slept in next to her. My shirt which I had worn on our first little adventure. The shorts from our trip to the zoo. That was one of my favorite days. Y/n had fallen over and gotten mud all up her jeans but we laughed so unbelievably hard it caused strangers to stare. The dress I wore out to dinner where we ate so much pizza and ice cream I could have thrown up. The baggy t-shirts from lounging around in the garden with a can of beer or glass of wine. A hoodie which Y/n had got covered in pancake mix from breakfast last week. "What are you smiling at?" She laughed at me when she came into the room. "Oh, nothing. I'm just happy." I replied, placing the folded pile into my bag. She came and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. I turned round and kissed her, then laid her onto the bed. "Careful of the clothes." She smiled, shuffling away from my neatly folded pile. "Screw the clothes." I smirked back, straddling her. 

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