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"Jackson, you'll get out of jail in a week and still you urgently asked to speak with me. What's your problem?"

"I know your honor, that I will soon be released. But my concern is very important."

"I hear.."

"I would like to ask her permission to order me a prostitute .."

"WHAT ?!" shouted the judge. "Jackson, do you want to fool me?!!! I'm sick of hearing your impossible wishes! You are forgetting where you are ?! You are not on vacation here!"

"I know your honor! But I've been here for so long and as you probably know yourself, we men have needs ... which we unfortunately cannot control. And I'm fed up with the manual process all th ..."

"Jackson!" Yelled the judge, interrupting him in the middle of his sentence.
He hit the table with his hammer.
"I won't repeat it! You'll be out of here in a week ... and what you do with your needs afterwards, that doesn't interest me a bit! Like any prisoner, wait for your freedom ... the session is over ...!" "

But Jackson wasn't finished either!

"Your Honor ... I understand your outburst, but I still think you should be interested in my needs."

"And why should I do that ?!" he asked loudly again and you could see in his face that he was about to lose patience.

"If I just go out here in this state, then they will bring me back, because of rape after 2 hours... at the latest. And your honor certainly don't want that ..", he said cheekily.

"God forbid! I can't stand you again!" The judge roared.

"That's what I thought. So is it a deal? You allow me to get a prostitute, before I'm out ...? You will never see me again either ..!"

"Get this rascal out of here!" Yelled the judge and Jackson was brought back out laughing by the guards.

His lawyer chuckled to himself.
"I've never seen a man like that before, Smith! Who does he think he is ?!"

"Jackson isn't exactly new at the crime business. But his audacity is because he's so popular with women."

"Then he should make her happy when he's outside, damn it! You don't come to the judge with something like that ?!"

"Take it with a sense of Humor, your honor. I've got used to it. What should we do now? Should I grant him his wish?" He asked with a giggle.

"What else can I do ?! He would actually do it! But tell the guards that the others shouldn't notice anything. Not that the other prisoners come to me with such absurd wishes!"

"All right, Your Honor! I'll straighten it out .." he said with a laugh and walked out of the courtroom grinning.

Well ..
If you were Jackson's lawyer, you had the most absurd cases ...!

Have fun reading ❤️❤️❤️

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