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But then I backed away because there was too much going on here .... Not a horde of people, but a few too many people, at least when it came to the time. It was the middle of the night.

A man stood by the birds and looked at a list in his hand and looked up at me when I quietly announced myself.
"How can I help you?" He asked me kindly.

"I just wanted to see the macaws .. May I?"

"Yes, of course. Come closer .." he said and beckoned me to them.

"Do they bite?"

"No, they are used to people not afraid. Here they give them pecans. They like that .."

I picked it up and was about to hand it to them when suddenly Jackson came from behind and startled me. Even the parrot let out a scream.

"Scaredy ..", he laughed and nudged the parrot on the beak and kissed me on the cheek.

"Leave him, the poor parrot .." I reprimanded him slightly and then dared to get closer to her. "You are so pretty ..." I said touched, while they timidly took the nuts from my hand.

"They just got to know each other again, they are still flirting .." said the gentleman with a laugh.

"Oh God!" I squealed with a laugh. "Which one is the male?" I asked curiously.

"That's the red one .." said the gentleman and only now saw that this bird had a ring on its claw.

"Well? Is that for your girlfriend? Do you want to propose to her?", And really just wanted to look at the ring, but he immediately pushed my finger away with his beak ... And bit into it!

"Ouch! I didn't want to take it away from you!" I said laughing and he answered me with a loud croak.

I think he meant by that:
"Hands off!"

I took a step back and asked the man again.
"What's his name?"

"JACKSON!" Suddenly came from the parrot itself.

"Hey, he knows you," I said to Jackson.

He put his arms around me and said.
"Of course he knows me. May I introduce you?" He said and pushed my shoulders forward again. "This is my longtime friend, Jackson ... the parrot. A really bad finger! No female bird is safe from that!" He said and I laughed out loud.

"Hmm .. Just like the owner .."

"Yes, until one day he meets the beautiful Elra ..." he said and this time scratched the neck of the green parrot. "Very nice feathers that shine so much that it turns Jackson's head. He just wanted to fuck her .." he blasphemed softly in my ear. "But in the end she stole his heart."

I was so touched.
"Is the green parrot really called Elra?"

"Yes .. You are also Jackson's Elra. Then it can't be any different with him .."

"Are you sure that this Elra is a female? You can't see that with parrots, I heard! Not that the Elra suddenly turns into a blue!" I fooled around.

"Blue has his Sky .. And Jackson his Elra. Everyone is where they belong .. And genders are also right .." he said laughing and kissed my cheek. "Hey Jackson, when are you going to give the ring to Elra?" He asked playfully and then poked the parrot on the beak.

Immediately he croaked and turned his back on us and I giggled.
"That doesn't fit around her beautiful claws, it's much too big for her! I'll get you one later that fits her..", he continued to persuade him.

He annoyed him and nudged him around, sometimes he pulled his feathers, sometimes he hit him lightly on the head, but the parrot was stubborn as a donkey!

"If you don't give me the ring immediately, I'll pull out all your feathers, after that you won't look so charismatic, but more like a plucked chicken. Then you can only dream of fucking Elra!" He hissed at him actually too.

So I don't know if this bird really understood him, but he actually turned around.
"You are a very clever parrot ... So now give the ring to the real Elra .." he said and I saw how he pulled the ring out of his claws with his beak.

I opened my hand and he let it fall into my hand.
I ... got so weird.
What were these birds doing here?
What did this ring mean?

I wanted to ask him and turned to Jackson and found him on the floor .. While he was crouching on his knee ............

"Jackson .. what are you doing down there?"

"Well ... I've been practicing this for a long time, it would be nice if you didn't interrupt me .."

I immediately shook my head and tried to stand on my feet.

Did I mention that I'm the biggest idiot in the whole world? !!!

He took my hand, put the ring around my finger, kissed the palm of my hand and looked at me again.

"Unfortunately, I'm not very used to such things and I'm afraid because I've never been really in love in my life .. and I hope that I don't totally screw this up. I look a little bit, I thought .. and that from Jack! I saw him propose to Blinky while he got down on his knees ... And I know this guy did the right thing, that's right! And ... I said that I'm going to marry you, but never really proposed to you. "

"How? You were in jail most of the time!" I sniffed sadly.

"And yet, I spent the most beautiful day of my life in it... when you came to me that day. You bewitched me. My sense of smell no longer worked, my taste buds only had your taste on my tongue. Wherever I put my nose, I only smelled you .. "

"I hope I didn't smell bad that day !?" I fooled around, for whatever reason!

"No .. You didn't. After the day, no other woman tickled my nose with her scent .. I don't want any other scent on my nose either .." he said and put his arms around me and his head on my stomach.

I also crouched in front of him and kissed him passionately on the lips.
"Then why this constant tiredness for days ?! Damn it, I thought you managed to persuade Blue in the end ... And you switched sides!", And smacked him on the shoulder with a laugh.

"Sorry ... I didn't mean to. But Jack said it should be, so I had to hold back a few days ... Just because of that!"

"But why are you holding back ...?"

Then suddenly I understood everything!
He had withdrawn from me because he wanted to marry me?

"Do you want to be my wife? .... Today ... here ... at sunrise?", He asked seriously.

I couldn't believe my luck and would have loved to scream "Yesssss!", but I couldn't get a sound out of me.

"Hey! Well, I won't hold back any longer ......! Can't! Almost 3 days! That's enough! But when Jack asks tonight, you say, I haven't touched you all week! Ok." ?"

"Why Jack? I thought we weren't going to get married with them?" I asked skeptically and raised my eyebrows.

But in reality I didn't care. I would marry him anywhere and in all possible circumstances.
With or without Jack!

"Neither we will. If you should accept, then we'll get married right now at sunrise .. here. Just the two of us .. And again tonight, with Jack and Blinky together."

"Oh they come here ?!"

"Yes, I couldn't stop Jack from doing it. Otherwise he would have blabbered my ears for the rest of my life! You saw in the car how annoying he is! We just won't tell them about our secret wedding ..!"

I expected everything today, but not something like that!

"So once again .. do you want to become my wife, share pain and joy with me ... until death do us part?"

"Yes, I will ..!" I said and just let myself fall into his arms.

"Finally! My God that was difficult! Damn it .... I don't even sweat like that when we fuck!" He exclaimed with relief and fanned himself.

"Don't overdo it! You were just wonderful!" I exclaimed and just pulled him to my lips to keep him there forever.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now