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Finally, finally I was free!
I was fed up with this Jack and especially with this Jackson.
Damn asshole!
Well... thinks he can do anything!

Ohhh ..!
What do you feel sorry for him too ?!
Just because he protected you from Paul didn't mean you had to give in straight away. You could have appeared in court and said that Paul provoked him.

Why did he have to hit him too ?!
The villain had got you anyway!

What a bloody day was that actually?!. Since that day I haven't been able to make money!

I decided to go to the hairdresser the next day and treat myself to a little care. But before I could leave my house, the doorbell rang.

A young man with a bouquet of roses in his hand ........ that seemed all too familiar to me.

I looked the young man in the face and said:
"Please be so kind and bring these roses back to where you got them from. And please tell the Gentleman, he should take the roses and put them one by one ... with thorns in his bu ..." I said nothing more, because the boy's eyes got bigger and bigger.
"You already understand .."

"Ehh .. yes ma'am .." he said and I just slammed the door in his face.

The poor boy, although he wasn't to blame, he got the whole thing off. I looked through the curtains to make sure he didn't tip over when I saw him go to his car.

But he has to earn well, it went through my head as I looked at his car and ... Damn it!

That wasn't his car!


He got out of the car and picked up the roses. The boy whispered something in his ear ... and looked down, embarrassed, when Jackson threw his head back and laughed.

He had brought me flowers ... why?
We cleared that up yesterday.
He had a question and I gave him an answer.
Everyone went their own way!
What does he want here again ?!

He put money into the boy's hand and then leaned in front of his car with the roses and .......... waited ....... for what ?!

I opened my curtains and looked at him questioningly.

He smiled and waved with the roses to me.
Is he crazy?!
"Go away!" I yelled at him and waved him away with my hand.

He admitted to me as if he wanted to have a drink ......... and waved me back to him with his hand.

I think he wanted to have a drink with me ...?

I held out my middle finger for him.
Then he hit his head lightly, as if he had forgotten something important. I got really big eyes when he suddenly grabbed his pants, first squeezed it nicely and then ..... his button .... Oh God!

What was he up to ?!

I immediately opened the door and saw that he was looking at me with open pants.
"Are you completely crazy ?! What is this supposed to be ?!"

"You just let me know that I should take the roses and put them one by one in my ..."

I threw my head back and laughed:
"I want to see that!"

"How about you accept them as an excuse and put them in a vase in your apartment. I'm sure they would look much better there. Although I don't want to devalue my bum ..."

I really laughed and shook my head. He really had a bang.

"What's Jackson? Why did you come back? I thought we settled everything yesterday."

"No, because you lied .." he said confidently.

"So what? What does that change? It just happened."

"Lots of it! That bastard forced you ..!"

"No, he didn't. I followed him straight into the office afterwards. He didn't drag me in .."

He'd probably squeezed Mary out yesterday after I'd left.

"And the injuries he gave you, were they wanted too?" He asked quietly.
I felt my stomach come up and took a deep breath ... quietly into myself.

"What the heck? He was a little rougher than others. That happened sometimes..."

"Damn it! I told you to go! Run away!" He then came to me angrily.

"Do you think I didn't ?! But until I got to you, I had to go through a lot of lattice doors that were locked every time ... And the same ones back again!"

"He didn't let unlock it .."

"Exactly! And told the guard to leave us alone .."

"Damn asshole!" He yelled and grabbed his head.
Again and again he cursed him and rubbed his head as if he were about to lose his nerve.

"Jackson stop it! Come to you! He was an asshole yeah, but do you know how many times I've had that ?!" I lied. "He's not the first man that hurt me." I tried to calm him down.

Of course there have been cases where prostitutes were simply mistreated, but that had never happened with Mary. She carefully selected her customers ..... generally.

It was mostly up to the girls how far they wanted to go. But no one had ever been hospitalized for it before.

"I don't care! You were there because of me, not because of him!" He yelled again and his eyes were bright red.

There were tears in his eyes ... He was really suffering ... And I hated his guilt.

"It's over, Jackson. He's behind bars and won't get out that easily. Just forget about it because I've forgotten it. So, you don't have to stop plaguing yourself with guilt. I'm not mad either on you. You punched him down for me and I slept with him for your freedom. We're even .. "


"Yes Jackson! I'm not mad at you and leave it at that! Just do me a favor and just leave me alone, I don't want more!"

I ran back to my apartment and locked the door. I think I need a few more days of rest.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now