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Why did this man smell so good ?!
His scent was always so wonderful!
Like after a week-long desert hike ... finally reaching the water!

What am I supposed to do later without this man? My heart was already aching just thinking about it!

"Do you want to go into the water?" He asked me in the middle of my thoughts.

"No, I want to cuddle here like that .."

"Please, beauty, otherwise I'll burn up!" He laughed.

He just got up without letting me down and headed for the water.
"Take off your dress .."

I did what he asked and giggled:
"Oh, the heat radiates from your penis .."

"Exactly, beauty. If you don't kick, then I have to find some other way of deliverance ..", and sat back in the water again.

He jumped into the water with all his things and dived into the water .. And came up again after a few seconds.
"Join me.."

I swam over to him and held onto him.
"Well, did the water help?"

"Not exactly .." he said and kissed me.

"Why don't we just have sex?"

Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders and wrapped my legs around him and I cried out in pain.
My sore muscles!

"That's the reason ..." he said with a laugh and put a peck on my lips.

"You don't have to thrust that hard, then you can do it .."

"At that moment I have no control over myself. I can't thrust gently, it doesn't work! The blood flows too quickly through my veins for that ..", he justified himself.

"All right, then I'll kick you in the balls right away. Then you have your peace and quiet .." I mumbled to myself.

"No, not yet! I have to go nuts first ... GRRRRR!" He growled and bit my neck.

"You are not normal, Jackson!" I giggled and freed myself from his arms and went back to the sand.

"You can't stay normal at this sight!" He sighed after me.

I just sat on the sand, lifted my leg slightly, and wiggled my foot in his direction.
"That is the coveted item today! Your attention should be more directed towards her."

He threw back his head and laughed and then came back to me.
His things stuck to his body and every muscle ... Especially the one in his pants was really visible.

He grabbed my foot and pulled it against him with a jerk. With his legs slightly apart and a grin, he put it exactly to his hardness.
"Come on .. massage my cock .."

Oh god, did that look sexy!
That damn guy!
I stroked him a few times with my foot and could have howled.
That really pulled on my thigh and I let my leg drop back down.

"Sorry, it still hurts .."

He gave a short laugh and threw his head back. This picture looked just heavenly!

The image of a man has never excited me so much.
His wet things sticking to his body and the bump that was so clearly visible.

His long, wet hair that was on his shoulders ... It was even stuck to his face ... And that damn neck, with the wet drops that simply rolled down those neck muscles.
Damn it!
I think I'm about to have an orgasm ...!

But then this man moved, in whose vicinity Adonis himself really faded in beauty and lay down next to me on the sand.

"You're mean .." he said, laughing, without looking at me.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now