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I was smiling the whole time. My look seem Jackson to enjoy
I decided to let it go.

I didn't care if I was married to Jack or not. We were here in Hawaii and here everyone thought we were married!

When we got to our destination, it seemed like another world to me. The house Jackson aka Angel Perez had here, was just a dream!

It was huge, had a huge garden and it was completely white, snow-white!

It was built on 2 floors and had a huge terrace, which promised nice, quiet, romantic evenings here.
Although the house was not very far from the sea, we also had a swimming pool here.
It was like heaven on earth and here I was with Jackson!

Everyone here seemed to know and honor Jackson, so as his wife I got just as much attention back.

Except for a few women who did not seem so pleased that the revered Jackson was married. I think that was also one of the reasons I changed my tactics.

I didn't let him run for good, but when we were on the island together, I did him a favor. So that the people here would not have any doubts about his authority.

Here and there a few kisses or hugs were part of our normal everyday life.
And it was really bad how many women he must have fucked on this island.

Somehow a woman appeared from every corner and I caught her either watching us or even flirting with Jackson.

That was really embarrassing.

"I would really like to put you on my knee, Jackson.", I said on an evening when we were enjoying the starry sky on the terrace. "A man can't have fucked the half Island! Don't be surprised if one day you find my body in a corner somewhere. I bet you the half island would love to lynch me .." I said to Jackson.

"The best thing to do is ignore the whole thing. If you don't pay any attention to it, they'll leave you alone.", He giggled happily.

"It's easy for you to talk! They all give you longing looks while they shoot me with poison arrows .."

"Only the women beauty, the men all look to you .." he said.

"Yeah, and I'm sooo proud of it too!" I snorted. "By the way .. you say the men are looking at me, but by chance I overheard a man is also keen on you!"

"Whaatt ?! Who?", He asked excitedly.

"I don't know his name. But I happen to know that he would love to eat you up! GRRR!" I growled at him.

"Where did you get all this stuff from?" He asked, amused.

"From the other half of the women who don't want to lynch me and who even like me here. You get a lot out, whole our coconut gossip ..!"

"Aha .. So he wants to eat me up? And what did you say ?!"

"I didn't say anything to him, rather to a friend of his. I said I'm a very jealous wife, stay away! Otherwise I'll be completely" Bad "!"

"I want to see that!" He said with a laugh.

"I warn you, fake marriage or not. I protect my territory like a fury! And since I've been stuck in this name fraud, I also feel very strange. That really manipulated my psyche. I could able to become a very quickly evil Valentina Bella Rosa mutate! "I said for fun and furrowed my eyebrows.

He threw back his head and laughed and crouched down at the table next to me.
"Uhh .. And what would Valentina Bella Rosa do badly?"

"I-I don't know .. I wasn't really angry yet .." I said a little nervously because he had gotten so close.

"Not ?! I remember a completely different Elra .." he said close to my lips and I backed away a little further.

Oops .. His hand!
I immediately slapped it off my thigh.

"Here I am B-Bella Rosa .." He backed away and looked at me thoughtfully. "What?"

"Maybe I should really make use of my popularity ... I have choices .."

What ?!

"Hey! That's not nice. Would you find it funny if I did that too? The boss's wife is flirting with other men .. or even women?"

"I would have no problem with women, do what you want with them as long as I can watch .." he said cheerfully.


"You ...!"

Suddenly he snapped at my face and his eyes sparkled.
"But let me tell you one thing. In case you should be flirting with other men .... in my presence or, God forbid ..... during my absence! I'm not like Jack! So ..... you can imagine what I wouldn't do! "and pushed my face away again.

He had moved away and had just leaned his arms against the terrace.
Who did these two men think they were ?!

"What Jackson?" I then asked him from right behind him.
He turned to me and still seemed angry. "Who are you and set me such limits?"

"Who I am ?! I am your man!" He shouted in my face.

"Stop it! How can I be married to Jack and you at the same time, damn it ?! You can't ignore that!"

"As you can See, I can .."

"Nice for you. Just for your information, I don't take both marriages seriously. I'm not stupid and let the two of you fool with me just because you're beautiful ?! I know marriage differently, Jackson! And this one is defintif not one of those .. "

I turned on my heel and left.
"Still, you won't flirt with another man!" He called after me.

"Don't worry, I won't, I won't hurt your pride here, who am I in the end ?! Just a damn prostitute who was unlucky to meet both of you. But that will pass too ... won't it?"

I turned around again, but then I remembered something and looked at him again. "And when it comes to flirting with women, that's fine with me. Do what you can not resist. Take one of the other women ... That doesn't matter. Maybe this farce - marriage is a bit more bearable then .. "

I said everything.
I turned on my heel and left him on the terrace.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now