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"Hey Pedro!" He exclaimed as he got out of the car.
He had driven into a small street and stopped in front of a house.

The result was a short man with a mustache that somehow looked bigger than his face ... So it didn't suit him at all.

"Jackson, mi amigo!" He exclaimed and greeted him with his almost toothless smile. "You out of celda again ?!"

"Yes I am. Pedro .. I have no time, I have to get rid of this car and Jack is after me! Can you somehow take us over to Hawaii?" I heard him ask.

"What does this Bastardo want from you again, boss !? And ... Who the beautiful woman?", He asked and smiled in a way that made my hair rise up.


"Hey! She belongs to me, don't drool on her, otherwise I'll knock the remaining 2 teeth also out of your mouth!", He said with a laugh and hit him on the back of the head.

"Boss Jackson always get the most beautiful women, I just look ..!" He said innocently and winked at me.

Yet again..!

"Yes, yes. If you didn't had me, you wouldn't see any, you dwarf! Hurry up, we don't have time!"

"Si.", He just said and came back after a short time with a key in his hand. "First you drive me to Pablo, I'll finish your passport there .. Then bring it to Puerto! From there by boat to Hawaii .."

He just got in his car and we followed him. I tucked the bag with the money in my arms and held it tight.
"So let's get a taste for new passports after all ..", he whispered to me with a laugh.

"Damn it! Who knows what else I have to change!?!"

"Don't worry, a lot will change between us ..", he whispered in my ear and kissed me briefly on the cheek.

After an hour's drive, Pedro got out and hurried into a building.
Jackson took the wheel and seemed to be waiting for something.

"What is?"

"He'll be right back because of our passports. Do you happen to have a photo of you in your pocket?"

"Yes, but it's a bit older .."

"Never mind .. give it to me .."

I handed it to him and when Pedro came back with an OK, he handed it to him.
"I'll see you .." he said and drove off with Pedro's car.

Damn it!
I didn't feel at all comfortable giving my photo to a complete stranger.
"Why didn't he want any of you ..?"

"Pablo still has some from me .."

Oh God!
What else do I expect ?!
Who was this Jackson? !!
But not as harmless as I thought ?!

"How long will we be able to hide from Jack in Hawaii ..?"

"He's not getting there that easily. He's not that popular here in Mexico .."

"OK, even after a few hours!" I snorted to myself.

"He won't. Pedro won't tell him anything, he's much too fond of me for that, but hates Jack all the more .."

"And this Pablo?"

"He doesn't like him either .."

"And why does he like you?"

"I'll arrange everything and Jack lays stones.. In these paths, get it?"

I didn't understand anything ... I think so.
"You are the bad one and he is the good one .... Did I understand correctly ??!"

"Not necessarily ... I'm the leader... and Jack doesn't really like that ..." he said.
Oh god .. I think now I understood a lot.

"You are the boss?!"

"That's it, beauty .." he said, winking at me again.

"What are you damned the boss of ?!"

"You'd like to know, wouldn't you?" He asked with a smile.

"If you don't kill me for it?"

He threw back his head and laughed.
"I have other things planned for you. That will be much more pleasant for you .."

"OK .. what is it, what kind of criminal stuff are you doing anyway?"

"You have to find it out on your own.."

"I'm sorry, Jackson. I don't know anything about this industry ..!"

"Oh come on, you knew the faked passports."

"Every layperson knows that there is nowhere easier to get fake passports than in Mexico!"

"It's also the most dangerous place ... But not for us. Because I'm the ..." he said and looked at me expectantly.
Damn it!

"Boss .." I said simply.

Was he the head of this gang ?!
Was he the one who brought fake passports into circulation ??!

"Exactly .. You're safe here, don't worry. Jack won't be able to reach us that easily .. Because that's exactly what he's missing."

"He doesn't have a passport ?!"

"Yes, he has his real one, but he can't leave America with that because of his thick files .."

Now I understood, but ..

"How did he get through to Mexico?"

"He's one of us, that's no problem. But without my permission he won't be able to reach Hawaii. Not from Mexico .."

"And not from anywhere else either, that is where he will be stopped ..."

"Exactly .. So don't worry for now. As soon as our passports are there, we will drive across the sea to Hawaii and have our rest for now .."

"Then why didn't we fly straight to Hawaii? And take this detour .."

"Because they would have stopped me too .."


The contents of my head were one lettuce!
I expected everything but not such a crime.

Fake passports!

And that they also called him the boss had really blown me away. More like Jack was acting like a boss. Jackson fit more into Jack's right hand category!

The thought was also completely absurd. Jack would never see him like that, only because of Blinky.

But to be honest...?

I liked Boss Jackson too ... very much.

Hach ..!

"Hey, how can I interpret that dreamy look? Do you like the new Jackson more?" He asked with a happy laugh.

"No ... He's getting on my nerves. More than like the old one .."

"Hmm .. Hmm .." he just said and laughed.

So slowly I was getting sick of his arrogance!

"Look out on the street!" I yelled at him, then turned my head away.
That don't give!

He read everything from my face !!

Be careful Elra!

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now