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He actually managed to turn me to him!
I looked into his eyes and their wild, hungry look.
Without losing much time, he pressed himself against my thighs and I immediately felt his hardness on me again.

"Isn't it better that way?" He breathed to my lips and rubbed ... right on my clit.

I couldn't and didn't want to say anything more. I thought I'd let him calm down, do him a favor to let him off steam, but I didn't calculate this turn around.
I now had the salad.

"Jackson .. please don't ... be so conspicuous .." I said, hiding in his throat.

"Those are the stony streets .." he whispered in my ear and just continued.

Let him do it Elra, enjoy it ... Just don't get loud!
"Open your legs ...!", He whispered again and tried to push himself in.


"Damn it .. My cock is out, open it, please ..!" He growled softly and I opened it for him.

"Oh god .." he groaned and pressed me right against the window.

"Please .. the people will notice something .."

"Be quiet .. It's way too tight. Let me do it .." he said breathlessly and moved again.

He was bent to my lips and I felt his breath every time, while his thrusts were rather light, but I felt it with full intensity.

"I want to fuck you, Elra .." he whispered to my lips.
He just snapped my lips and immediately entered my mouth with his tongue.

I could have devoured him and came towards his wild tongue. No extra movement, just our tongues moved and the pressure of his cock felt like a heavy weight between my legs.
A nice heavy weight.

As soon as he moved again he broke away from my lips and I only saw the wild pleasure in his eyes, which seemed darker with each thrust.
He bit his lip while his hips continued to move .. and that made me forget everything around me.
I closed my eyes with relish.

"Look at me, Elra .." I felt his breath on my lips. "Let me see the lust in your eyes, you've fought with me enough, look at me .."

I opened my eyes and saw how he smiled, bit his lip .... And again briefly nudged my lips with his tongue ..... And thus removed the last piece of my brain.

"Hopefully you know that at the moment I would like to do nothing better than tearing your dress out of your body ..... to just fuck you against the bus .. hard and fast .."

I haven't seen people around me for a long time, you could only see his face, only hear his voice.

I brushed the strand behind his ear that just rested on my shoulder.

"Elra, what are you doing with me, beauty? Never has a woman done to me what you have been doing to me for months. I still have your scent in my nose, even when you are not with me. What is it for a scent that surrounds me for 24 hours? What kind of taste is that, that I can still taste on my tongue .. Although I don't kiss you?"

I was so touched!
The look in his eyes as he said that ... That honest look!
I believed every word he said! He had also stopped moving and just looked at me questioningly.

I reached through under his arms, clutched his shoulders, and rested my head on his chest.
"Why are you so wonderful ..?" I stated rather than it should be a question.

"You are wonderful, beauty," he said softly and kissed my head.

Oh God!
I didn't want this man to leave me, I didn't want to be without him anymore!
I finally wanted to be free, away from Jack and just give myself to him.

Even if he doesn't really marry me, that's the way it is. I would also become this man's mistress ... just not be without him.

Only when the bus stopped did I come back to me.
"Anela! We're here!" Exclaimed the bus driver.

"Come on, beauty .." he said and helped me off the bus. "Damn it! When did the people all get out ?!" he asked with a giggle.

"Wasn't anyone inside?"

"No, it was completely empty .." he said surprised.

"Then the bus must have stopped several times .." and I didn't remember a bit!

"Yes, but I'm not sure? Maybe we were alone the whole time? Eh .. Should I rather ask the bus driver?", He asked me very seriously and pointed in the direction.

"Are you crazy !? Just run home ..!" I exclaimed and dragged him with me.

But then it suddenly dawned on me and suddenly I stopped.
"What is ?" Jackson asked, still holding his hand in mine.

Damn it!
What just happened ?!
We made out in front of all the people!
And now we were home ...

"Nothing .. I-I ... I only felt dizzy for a moment. I'm a little tired ..." I said without looking at him.

I let go of his hand and wanted to go on but he just pulled me back into his arms.
"Why are you leaving me behind and just walking on alone ...?" He asked into my hair.

"Sorry, I-I am just very tired and ..!"

"Damn Elra, stop it!" He exclaimed and looked at me. "You don't need to stutter, I won't force you to do anything! What just happened on the bus doesn't have to go on in the house ... Only if you want it!"

"I ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to go that far ... Please don't hate me for it .."

"No, I don't, damn it! I've got used to the fact that you keep pushing me away from you, but I hope you don't intend to keep it up forever!" He shouted in my face.

He let go of me and went straight into the house without closing the door behind him.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now