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I could have shot myself because I was caught so inflagranti by Jack, or because of Jackson .. whose face just spoke volumes.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I was just so shocked when I saw him .." I said, embarrassed, and wanted to run away.

"I know, please stay calm .." he said softly and stroked my cheek. "I'm just as shocked myself .." and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Are you kidding me?", Jackson suddenly yelled and I jumped up in shock.

"Don't scream damn it, you scared her!" Jack yelled at him this time.

Damn it!
I wasn't feeling well at all!

"It's better if I go Jack! Then you can talk in peace .." I said with bowed head and wanted to get out of the field.

"Talking in peace, she says!" Jackson yelled, kicking the door.

"You don't need to go anywhere my darling," he said and pulled me back into his arms. "It may be a surprise for him. Unfortunately you got to us before. We wanted to see you tomorrow and let you know that we want to get married soon ..", and my body stiffened as I felt Jack suck at my throat.

I didn't dare look at Jackson and tried to free myself from Jack's arms, but he wouldn't let go of me.
Why did he do it, damn it? !!

"You sent her to me so that I could fuck her, you asshole! Why if you wanted to marry her ?!" and took a step forward.

"I saw her Jackson. And she blew me away with her beauty. I sent her to you, yes, but she came back miraculously without being fucked by you. Then I'm not going to miss her .. ", and hugged me and again he kissed me somewhere on my neck.

I got goosebumps...

"Jack, don't do that damn it ..!" I hissed at him when I saw the anger in Jackson's eyes.

"Damn it, it's only a week before! And just ...!" He said, pointing to the door.
Oh God!

"Don't worry about it Jackson, you just caught us at a bad time. If you'd come half a minute later, she would have exploded under my hand. It's just your face that made her moan!"

"Damn it, shut up!" He shouted at us his eyes went really red.

It was enough for me!

I kick Jack hard in the balls.
He cried out in pain and I freed myself from his arms.
That damn bastard!
You don't brag about that in front of other men! Especially not in front of his brother.

I heard a loud laugh and then a loud:
"Stay here!"

I climbed the stairs and ran to my room!
I locked the lock behind me and quickly gathered my things off the floor and tossed them on the bed.
I should have known from the start that it was going to go wrong!

"Open the door!" Jack suddenly shouted at the door.

"Get out of Jack!"

"Shit!" He exclaimed and banged on the door.

I got dressed quickly and was about to go to the door when suddenly Jack ............... came out of the closet ??!


Immediately he came running and I screamed and wanted to escape through the door, but it was still locked.

Jack laughed and clutched my stomach and carried me back to bed.
"Hey what's up? Where are you going?"

"Where am I going ?! I'm fucking going home! You don't really think that after the scenario I will stay here ?!"

"Don't worry. He'll forgot that again. Jackson is ..."

"We're not talking about Jackson damn it, I'm talking about you!"

"What did I do?" He asked everyone seriously.

"Damn it! I'm ashamed! A man has never done what you just did. Not even the clients I spread my legs for!"

"Because I cuddled something with you in front of him? He did that too .."

Tell me, didn't the guy understand me ?!
Just because he kissed me in front of his eyes, did he do that ?!
But why?!!

"Jack please, I want to go home .."

He brushed my hair off my face and then kissed my lips.
"I thought we would continue in the shower .." he said in flirtation and I think I was on the verge of an explosion.

But I think it wouldn't be good if I did this.
"I've run out of steam, Jack. Please ... let me go. We can see us tomorrow, okay?"

"Let's not let him spoil our fun."

"Why do you say something like that, Jack? He's your brother .. And you know what kind of state he is in. You really provoked him .." I tried to remind him.

"Don't protect him! I'm angry with him anyway. Just because of him, you ended up in the hospital and then I come down the stairs and see how he almost devours you! I beg you, he deserves that! Shall I not do anything while he turns you on ?! "

Oh God!
My brain was about to burst!
"Please Jack. Talk to him, he ... will certainly feel very deceived. But I don't want to be there, please. I don't want to see your argument!"

"Do you really think he's mad at me because of you? He's always been like that. I admit, the current situation shocked him, but he'll forget it. He doesn't mourn afterwards any woman ..."

He just didn't get it!

"I know he kisses several women a day and has 10 on each of his fingers! But that's a thing between you and him. Clarify that with him and then you come to me for breakfast tomorrow, okay?"

"Then we'll continue under your shower ..?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Yes, we do that. It doesn't work here, that's just not nice, where he is still without a woman in his current state. See you tomorrow .." and gave him the most passionate kiss I could give in my current state.

I just had to get out of here!

But he accepted that as an invitation and did not let go of me. He just lifted me up in his arms and carried me straight to the bathroom.

Darn it!

How do I get out of here ?!
Then the bathroom key stabbed me in the eye and as soon as he put me on my feet I said.

"Ok, persuaded ... you control the water and I quickly lock the bathroom door. Not that he comes through the closet because he feels provoked by my screams ..." I said with a laugh.

"Do that .." he actually said and I ran like my life depended on it.
I immediately locked the door and took the key. Already in the stairs I heard his angry screams and got goose bumps at the roar he uttered.

"Hey ... beauty ..." I suddenly heard Jackson call out and I turned to him.

He came to me very easily, without taking his eyes off me and leaned slightly down to me ... Which immediately made me cringe.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"What is?!" I asked annoyed and kept looking towards the door with the fear that Jack would jump out at any moment. His roar could not be ignored.

"I've had a lot of women in my life, including a lot of prostitutes. But I have to say, none of them were like you. You are really the queen of the whores .." he hissed to my lips.

I looked at him startled and read the hatred in his eyes and bowed my head.
What should I have said?

"That's how it is ... Here is the key to the bathroom. You can let him out when I'm gone ..." I said and stepped out.

Thank goodness Wayne was at the door.
"Please drive me home, Wayne .." I just said, got into the car and let my tears flow.

I've never been so ashamed ...

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now