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I made my decision.
I've done it before and I'll do it again.

I don't know what fate was going to think of throwing me into the arms of other men again and again so that this man could have his freedom.

I wasn't even sure if he really loved me. Fuck..!
Once you've been into that buisness, you just can't get out of there!

Now I was already married and actually still had to pay with my body!
What is that every time? !!

I just didn't understand Jack.
He's really not a bad person at heart. He really had an anger in him, which I also understand.
But even if it were true, I would never take such vengeance!

But his recurring evil manner was just bad!
He was gone all day!
Left me completely alone in this huge property.

Unfortunately for me, Jackson didn't come across as that I could tell him something so that he could do something.

But in retrospect, I didn't think it was so bad that he didn't come.

How could I have told him about Jack's offer?
I was sure that he would prevent it, but I couldn't figure out what could happen next.

Hopefully he'll stay away completely today, maybe I'll find it easier ... But what if not?

I didn't even want to think about it!
The best part was not to leave the room at all!
Then I don't see whether he came or not.
What I do not know a lot, will not make me hot!

But when Jack walked into the bedroom just before dinner ... I got a bit strange in the stomach area.
Has Jackson come too ?!

"Hey ... you're not even dressed. Have you been in bed all day?" He asked me, completely surprised.

"Yeah, I-I had a bit of a headache. I've already taken 2 painkillers, but they still haven't gone .."

He came over to me and looked at my face.
"Have you considered my offer?" And then patted my chin.

"Did you mean that ... really seriously?" Was my first defense.

"Elra .." he said and put his arms around my neck. "I thought I had expressed myself clearly enough. It is a possibility that I have offered you. How you want to use it is up to you. I will have a special pleasure in it ..", and breathed a kiss on my lips .

I immediately backed away and wiped my lips.
"Come on .. Don't overdo it. This isn't the first time I've kissed you on the lips .." he said pouting.

"The circumstances were essentially ... different ... more harmless .."

"I haven't even considered it until now, Elra. I haven't touched you a couple of times except this one. Not in the bedroom either! But Jackson doesn't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation."

"What will that bring you, Jack? Do you think of me? You sent me to Jackson, even though you knew he wouldn't sleep with me! And this Paul ...!"

"I didn't say anything like that to Paul, I have nothing to do with that what he did with you.."

"Ohh how nice of you! You mean you pulled the ass card Elra, your bad luck? !!"

He looked at me with a slight grin and smiled.
"What is there to grin ?!"

"You reminded me of Blinky. If she didn't like a topic, then she actually always managed to switch it and end up making it up so that I was the guilty one. I think you're trying to do the same as well .."

"I'm not trying anything Jack! I don't fucking want you to send Jackson back to jail. I think you should listen to him. Have you ever done that?"

"My eyes were proof enough, Elra. And I would be glad if you didn't bring up this topic again. So, get dressed and come down, we will eat. I will then retreat to the study for a while. You can Prepare yourself in that time .. "

I just didn't believe it, he really wanted to go through with it!

"I'm not hungry, thank you .."

"Uhhh ..." he said with a laugh and stepped closer again. "So you mean you can't eat because you're nervous! Should I come right after dinner then?"

"I would prefer you to choke on your dinner and ...!"

He threw back his head and laughed, and cut me off in mid-sentence.
"Oh Elra, you are really cute. But I think you will have no trouble sleeping with me. If you remember, you were very willingly under my hands on the first day .."

"I don't know what got into me either! I thought you were a person with a heart!" I hissed at him.

He took my hand and put it on his chest:
"Heart? That's one thing that beats in my chest, isn't it? Do you feel it?" I snatched my hand from him and hid it behind my back.
"So I have a heart after all," he said and leaned down slightly to me. "And by chance, the right face too ..." he winked at me and walked away.

Damn asshole!
If he thinks I'm making it so easy for him, then he was wrong!

"I'll be there in 2 hours," he said before closing the door behind him.


"What do I do now ?! There must be some way I work around this? I don't want to sleep with you, damn it!" I yelled towards the door.

Damn how do I get out of there ?!

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora