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Jackson's view

Then she came down the stairs hopping like a gazelle and my brain literally burned at the sight of her.
How do I get closer to this woman ?!

"What did you order?" She asked as she sat down at the table across from me.

"Vegetarian .. I didn't know if you ate meat or not .."

"How about asking?"

"I didn't want to disturb you in your bedroom. Or should I have done that?"

"No, everything's fine. I also eat vegetarian .." she grumbled immediately.

My poor dick, but I couldn't help myself, she pouted so deliciously.

"So if you really want meat with your pizza, I could offer you one .."

"Oh well, if that tastes too bland for me, I'll sprinkle some tuna on it .."

Stupid nut!

"Ok .." I just said and leaned my arms on the table so I could see her up close.
She backed away as soon as she saw it and I could have screamed with joy.

She crossed her arms over her breasts so that they both really squeezed together.
God, they looked juicy!
Would that be too much if I just grab her and just press my face against them?

No, she would scream.
I will somehow attract her..!

"Stop staring at my breasts!" She snapped immediately.

"Don't be so mean ... They look so invitingly. You should take it positively .."

"What is positive about that, you horny ox, when you stare at my breasts while communicating with me ?! My eyes are on my head!"

"Always complain right away. What did I make a compliment.."

"You have no idea of ​​compliments .."

If you only knew what all I can do? !!

"Tell me, did you keep your beauty sleep a little too long? What are you so bitchy today ..?" I laughed.

"Beauty sleep? Is Jackson trying to make me a compliment again ?!"

"What a compliment ?! I just asked if you slept too much!"

"What ... you said ... Oh! Why am I talking to you. You damn bully! Go to hell ..." and got up offended.

I immediately ran to her and took her in my arms.
"Is Elra angry with Jackson now, for not being able to compliment her?"

"Jackson, let go of me. I don't care if you can or not, I don't want to hear anything anyway .." and tried to free herself from my arms.

"Wait, please, I was just kidding. You are so perky and annoyed. I thought maybe you slept too much today. You really are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! That's why I said beauty sleep! That should be a compliment ! "I laughed.

"Jackson let go of me, what's that supposed to mean ?! Don't step too close to me!"

"Please .. I won't do anything, I promise. But just answer me this one question. Then I'll let go of you .."

Then she stopped fidgeting and put my arms around her tighter and looked at her sideways. Oh god, this damn breasts!


"What do you damn want to know ?!"


"Did you keep your beauty sleep too long today? Too much is sometimes not good. That makes a headache ... And then your snotty manner would also explain itself .."

"Just for your information, you nine times wise! I don't take a nice nap or beauty sleep. Like most people, I don't sleep anymore, 8 hours a night. And as far as my snotty manner is concerned, it is because, despite my repeated" no's " , you din't leave me alone and get so damn close to me every time! "

Oh, she was just lovely when she was angry.

"What ?! You don't have an afternoon nap?"

"No, I told you! I'm not a baby .."

"No nap in the afternoon and also not a beauty sleep... and yet you are so beautiful ??? I get really shaky knees at the sight of you. Just don't take a nap at noon .. Ok? I would like to keep my heart to myself ..", and kissed her neck ... and kept my lips there too.
I had a wonderful view of her breasts ...!

Oh god, she smelled so good!

"Hey, that was really nice!" She said and then suddenly freed herself from my arms. "You complimented me! If you could stop pressing your cock against my bum, it would be more believable .." and sat down on the chair again.

"I'm sorry, beauty. As long as you don't calm him down, I'll push him into you at every opportunity .."

"Your honesty is impressive Jackson, but it stinks!"

"Should I lie ?! Doesn't work at the moment. He's always one step ahead of me .." I said with a shrug.

She threw her head back and laughed out loud and her beautiful breasts trembled ..... what a sight!
"You are really original, Jackson!", She said again when she had calmed down and gave another chuckle.

That she laughed about it too!

"Well ... I don't think that's funny at all. You don't know the pain that I've been dragging with me for over 2 years .."

"The phone is there, the door is there and your car is outside. You are a phone call away from your destination. You can use my phone ..", she said and pointed in the direction.

"No, I'll fuck you .."

"Sorry Jackson, you can only get one kick from me."

"Agreed! Let's make a bet!", I said because I came up with something ingenious.

"A b-bet?"

"If I manage not to touch you despite the charms you offer, you can kick me in the balls .."

She laughed and shook her head.
"You think I'm very stupid, don't you? How about that? I mean why so awkward? I don't want to be like that, you have to get something for your money, too! If you behave normally, all evening long without sexual advances, of course, you will get a kick in your balls as a reward .. "

Ehhh wasn't that the same ???!
But she didn't even notice and looked at me challengingly ... She was lost!

"It's a deal. The bet stands."

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now