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"You seem to know the gentleman well .." I said to Jack while we were walking in front of us at the fair.

"Yes, I still know him from before. When we were children, the orphanage brought us to the fair. We always got an ice cream, which used to be in short supply .. At least as far as we were concerned. Even if it wasn't that often anymore, we still come here now and then.. "

Oh .. He was parentless ..
With something like that I always got weak knees and a soft heart.
"With Jackson?" I then asked him, for whatever reason.

I could have shot myself in the head at the look he gave me. Ohhh Elra, you hollow nut!
Did you just have to mention him?

He didn't answer either and looked ahead again. We walked in silence ...

"I was always here with my fiancé .." he said suddenly out of nowhere.

I didn't know what to say to him. I just felt worse than I already did.

"May I ask...?"

"What about her?", He finished my question with a laugh.

"Ehh .. To be honest, yes."

"She chose another man .." he said and shrugged.

"What ?! She preferred another man to you?", I suddenly burst out ... and immediately I put my hand over my mouth.

He smiled all over his face and took my hand in his.
Oh god, was that embarrassing!

"Hey .. look at me please .." I heard him say gently and lifted up on my chin to look at him. "I wish she would ve the one who left me, then maybe I could have won your heart faster .. Even if it's just out of pity .."

"You don't need that, Jack. You could get any woman you want. The women in the restaurant ate you up with their eyes. You just had to look at them .."

He smiled, leaned down and kissed me gently.
"I would like to eat you up, too ..", he breathed to my lips and Gooooddd Almighty !!

As if hypnotized, I wanted to stroke his lips because this bite just kept looking to bite..... when I noticed the ice on my hand.

"Shit! It's melted!" I exclaimed and backed away from him so that he couldn't get anything on his suit.

"Come here ...", he just said and pulled me close again.
He took the entire ice cream in his mouth and relieved the ice cream from the melted remains.

"Hey .. you ate all my ice cream!" I laughed.

But then he pulled me to his lips and kissed me again, but this time it wasn't a quick kiss, no.

He spread the ice right on my tongue and I couldn't suppress a moan. He teased my tongue, pulled it away again and again, inviting me to suck tightly on his.

He laughed and then gently pulled back.
"That way it tastes even better .."

Oh god yes!
It did!

When he went to my fingers to suck up the leftovers from there too .. Damn it!
I shivered...!

"The ice cream is way too delicate, especially on you .." he whispered and then kissed the back of my Hand that he licked clean.

"T-Thank you .." I could only say and was just blown away.

Then he pulled my hand again and I wanted to scream out loud.

He could have continued to eat the rest of the ice in the same way. I really wouldn't have said no!

Damn it, it took me a while to come back to myself and hooked up with him. My God!

For a short time I had forgotten where I was, where was left or right!
And this man, supposedly wasn't into sex without a ring ?? !!!

Would he really go through with it until he got married, or would he also do something before marriage ?!

I was really the last person to think sex was important, but even I had my doubts whether I could hold out with him until I got married.
He was so damn sexy!

Oh god ...
It can't be that this man was so perfect!
And then there was the icing on the cake that seemed 100 times sexier to me than what he had just done.

"Do you want to go on the devices too?" He asked with shining eyes.

"You mean the one in the fair ?! In this elevator?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh come on, the kids don't care what you look like!" He laughed and just ran off.

I stopped dead in my tracks and stared after him.
Tell me god, are you doing this on purpose ?!

I don't want to say yes so quickly, he hasn't courted me yet!

A little kiss and ..... Oh God!

He picked up the children and helped them get in ... And just sat down next to them and ruffled over a little boy's head.

Drool !!

It was just a goddamn carousel and he was the biggest among all the kids, but he seemed as excited as the kids themselves.

I was lost!

As if in a trance, I went to the carousel and stopped in front of the beaming Jack.
When the carousel stopped he came to me and just pulled me up with him.

Without a word I let him do it and he sat me on one of the horses with a swing.
"You're never too old for the fair .." he said and walked a few horses further to his own horse.

Did I say that I was no longer so naive and believed that one day she would find her prince ... Who would come ridden on a white horse like in a fairy tale ??!

Forget what I said, utter nonsense!

Keep believing, because I had found mine ...

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