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"Can you tell me where you are?" She asked me in a tone as if she already knew the answer.

"Ehh ... I'm in the living room ..." I said, holding my heart tightly... that almost threatened to jump out.

"And why are you breathing so hard?"

Ohhh shit!
She knew it!

"I-I was just upstairs in the bedroom .. I had to run up and down twice! That's why I had to breathe quickly!", I just remembered.
I quickly straightened my dress and looked confused myself when I heard Jackson giggle from the couch.

"Now answer my questions only with a yes or no, ok?", She hissed in my ear and I jumped up, startled.

"O-Ok Mary .."

"Were you in the bedroom with Jackson ?!"


"Is he with you at all ..?"


"Shit! Has he approached? Did you sleep with him?", She asked a little louder immediately afterwards.

"Ehhh .... Yes and no."

"Ohhh ... A yes and no! Which is a yes and which is a no!"

"First yes, then no .."

"Ohhh Shit! You're in the middle of it, am I right ?!"

I didn't know what to say, the woman found out with a few questions.

"Yes ..", I then said guilty and would have loved to sink into the ground.

"I told you not to let him touch you! Do you want him to fly away like all the others ?!"

I looked over at Jackson who had just leaned back on the couch and ..... I don't know, was sleeping ???!

"No, I don't want that .." I said quietly.

"Well, then you won't let him anymore, do you hear ?! As crispy as this man is, don't nibble at him or let him nibble!"


"Come on ... be a strong girl, be patient, then you can keep him for the rest of your life, okay?"

"Yes, well, I'll hang up now .." and just hung up so as not to listen to another final sermon.

The woman was really good!
With a few yes and no and a yes and no, she had checked the situation!

No wonder that this woman ran an escort service and not a cheap brothel. She knew what, how and how much she could get out of the men.

"Will you come by yourself, or should I come and get you?" I heard Jackson ask without his latter position having changed.

It really broke my heart. His bump was huge and considering how long it had been?

"Jackson, it would be better if you go now ..."

Immediately his head darted up and he looked at me questioningly.
"Why ... all of a sudden?"

"It's not all of a sudden. I say from the start, I don't want to. But you ignore that .."

He got up and came in my direction. He seemed to be looking for an answer in my eyes.
"Did Mary tell you to stop?"

"What? Of course not! Only the distance brought me back to my senses ..."

"Then we should shorten this distance again.. immediately ...!" He said and was about to reach for me, but I scurried away in time.

"Jackson, please stop!" I yelled so that he could come to his senses.
But he automatically stopped and looked at me questioningly.

"Did the doorbell just ring again?"

"Yes, that's definitely Mary! Please go at last!"

"We'll see!" He said, turning on his heel.
He opened the door and I was expecting an angry comment from Mary any minute when the door suddenly slammed again.

W-Was he gone?

I immediately ran to the door and saw Jackson with a bouquet of roses in his hand, reading a note. I got goosebumps.

"They're from Jack ... aren't they ?!"

"Damn bastard!" He exclaimed angrily, crumpling the note in his hand.

"What did he write?" I asked immediately and hurried over to him to take the note from his hand, but he quickly pulled his hand away.

"Jackson, what's up? I want to read it .."

His eyebrow flickered when he asked:
"So excited to see what he wrote?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" And took it from his hand.

"I miss you, I would like to see you again ...

In love


"What does he want from you again?"

"How should I know ?! He's your damn brother!"

"I'm sure he's chasing a plan again! Just why does he keep pulling you in, damn? !!" he growled angrily.

"Jackson .. I really don't want him! I thought he stopped answering. Why is he doing it again?"

"I'll find out beauty, don't worry. I'll take care of it. The only thing that matters is that you don't react to his notes, okay?"

"I won't! He doesn't interest me at all! Please, tell him to leave me alone!"

He grinned and took a few steps back to me. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"So the interruptions all the time, really get on my nerves. I'll talk to Jack and when I get back we'll go to another city for a few days, okay?"

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere where nobody bothers us .." and kissed me again.

"I won't sleep with you, Jackson .."

"You should kick me in the balls .." he said and winked before he took his jacket and disappeared

I ran to the phone immediately and called Mary to tell her what had happened when it rang again after 5 minutes.

"Wait Mary. I think Jackson forgot something .." and put the phone down.

I was about to crack a joke about taking his brain out of his cock while driving when I hold my breath.

"Jack .."

I was startled to see his revolver flashing in his inner breast pocket as he adjusted his collar.

"Will you come with me, darling? We need to talk .."

He just grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu