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I was not feeling well at all!
Again and again I scolded myself why I didn't take the shower with him right away.
Then silly Blue would have had to wait for us to finish ... and Jackson would have run downstairs fully dressed.

Now he had seen his cock and Jackson didn't seem to mind!
Would he actually voluntarily show him his penis ...... No!
He wouldn't, he knows that that would bother me!

He said he wasn't flirting because he was married to me!

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I reflexively shouted his name.
He had come earlier!

I immediately ran to the door and tore it open with a beam ..... And faced a policeman.
Had something happened to Jackson ?!

"Valentina Bella Rosa Perez?" He asked carefully.

"Yes, I am. How can I help you, officer?"

"I'm Officer Cane. I'm sorry to have to ask you to come with me sometime .."

"Why? D-Did something h-happened to A-Angel !?" I asked, feeling an ache in my heart.

"Not that I know of. I'm here because of you ... I'm afraid I have to arrest you .."

"What? !! I haven't done anything! Why do you want to arrest me ..?"

"Because of marriage fraud .. and because of the possession of fake documents. Am I right... Elra?", Jack suddenly came around the corner.

Oh God!
He was here!
And Jackson wasn't there!

"Jack ..." I managed to say and couldn't move.

"Exactly.." he came in my direction. "How is my beautiful wife? Is she here fucking around with Angel?" He asked softly with a smile.

I got goosebumps at his tone.
"Jack ... W-What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here ?! I'm looking for my wife who just left me tied to a chair!"

"Please Jack, you wanted to put Jackson in jail for no reason! That wasn't right. I had to prevent it!"

"You did that too! But now you will go to jail for it .."

"Please Jack, don't do this to me .." I said, backing away.

"You had your chance in Mexico, Elra. I said wait, I just want to talk!"

"Damn it, how are we supposed to know that you also mean that ?!" I yelled at him and put a big distance between us.

"I know .." he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Take her with you, Cane .." he said expressionlessly and the next moment I felt the handcuffs on my wrists.

"Damn it! LEILANIIIIIII!" I exclaimed desperately, hoping she would hear me. "Please, I have to let Jackson know! LEILANIIIIIII!"

"Should he look for you a bit. That will strengthen your marriage .." Jack fooled around and just dragged me into the back seat.

I looked back desperately and looked for Leilani, but she was nowhere to be seen. Either she wasn't home or she hadn't heard me.

What should I do now?
This guy just dragged me along and I didn't even know where!
How am I supposed to let Jackson know ?!

"Why are you doing that, Jack? I haven't done anything to you!"

"It was like that in the beginning, beautiful Elra. But since you decided to marry Jackson, your files got thicker and thicker .."

"I ...!", I didn't know that I had signed a prenuptial agreement, I wanted to say, but I was silent.

Who knows, maybe he'll get even angrier at Jackson.
I just didn't know how far this guy was going to go ... and I didn't want to endanger Jackson.

Just how can I let Jackson know, nobody knows that I was arrested?

Jackson's point of view

"Damn it, where did she go ?!" I yelled at the housekeeper who actually told me Elra was arrested.

"I don't know Angel. He just arrested her and Jack was there too. The officer said, for marriage fraud and forged documents .."

"Damn it, she has nothing to do with any of this!" I yelled, wanting to break everything. "What was the officer's name ?!"

"I heard Jack call him Cane."

"Ok .. that's not the one from the island ... And he has nothing to say in Mexico .." I mumbled to myself in my head.

"He also didn't look like he was an officer from Mexico ..", she confirmed my thoughts.

"I thought so. I'll take a look around LA a bit."

"She was scared, Angel. She yelled for Leilani, but they weren't home," she said this time with her head bowed.

It just broke my heart.
Damn bastard!
Why always her ?!
Did he want to make me feel guilty through her, just because I didn't feel any in his case ?!

I didn't touch Blinky indecently you damn bastard!
You are the one who destroyed all lives, just because of your stubbornness!

If you hadn't yelled at her, she probably wouldn't have had a nerv breakdown either!
He had ruined her life too.

But you won't be able to do it with Elra!
I won't let that happen.

"Don't worry, Lucy. I'll take care of it. Don't tell anyone about the incident, okay?"

"No Angel, I won't .."

"Good girl. Please be nice and pack a few things for me. I have to make a few calls before I leave for L.A. .."

"Of course .." she said and hurried upstairs to the bedroom.

"So you want to join me, Blue? Then show me what you can do .. Except to drive my girl crazy.."

"She always flares up so fast, Angel! She's boiling with anger ... It's really steaming out of her ears!" He laughed.

"I warn you, you shouldn't be joking with her anger. She is well trained in egg omlette .."

"All right, Angel .." he laughed.

"Well then, wait for me in the car. I'll be right there. Then we go to L.A. And as soon as we have crossed the borders, I'm no longer Angel, I'm Jackson .."

"OK .." he said and disappeared out to the car.

Don't worry, beauty.
I'll get you out of there, come what may ..

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now