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I swear I never watched someone in my life so intensely as long as this Blue ... Yes, not even Jackson!

Since the neighbor showed him to me, somehow every movement he made annoyed me. How he talked to Jackson, smiled at him, looked at him .....!
Nothing escaped me, NOTHING!

"Do you stop staring at him like you want to kill him any minute?" Jackson whispered softly in my ear.

"Just say you take a liking to his looks at you ..?" I whispered back.

"Hmm .. I don't know. The boy is really pretty .."

What ?!

"Are you serious?!"

"Well, I don't think that's as bad as you are seething with jealousy. If I knew that it would bring you to my bed, I would let him do it .."

"I'm not jealous!" I hissed at him.

"OK, if you mean .." and then actually turned to Blue. "I think you should come to my house tomorrow, preferably for breakfast. Then we will talk a little more intensively about your work, what and in which areas you will work exactly."

"Of course, Angel. However, I think your wife isn't exactly thrilled with the idea ... is she?" He asked me directly.

"Nope .. All right .." I waved it off and rolled my eyes so that he couldn't see it.


"Angel, is it a problem if I have a short private chat with your wife?" He asked him seriously.

What does he want?

"Yeah, yeah .. Go ahead .." Jackson waved him off and actually allowed me to walk away with this Blue.

I really didn't know what this man could discuss with me, except that he might ask me about Jackson ??!

"What can I do for you," Blue "?"

"Well, I'd really like to know why you've been looking at me the half day as if I had the plague?"

"I definitely haven't. I'm just standing next to Angel .. Who happens to be my husband. He doesn't like it when I flirt with other men .."

"Flirt ?! I beg you! We hardly talked, but you looked at me as if I were your greatest enemy. I will show up in your house quite often in the near future, and I think he would not have accepted that if he had my way of dealing with you would have bothered .. "

"Yes, why should you? You adore him, that suits him so cheaply!" I would have liked to say but of course didn't.

"He's very meticulous about something like that .."

"Well possible. But I can assure you, I'm not going to flirt with you! You're not my type anyway."


He had turned around and was about to leave, but then stopped when I said:
"I guess it's more Angel that's your type is, isn't it?" I burst out.


Now I got you!

"You think I'm trying to flirt with Angel ?!"

"So your drooling at the sight of him was definitely not to be missed .." I said coldly.

He looked around a little and then came to me with quick steps.
"Can't you keep your voice down !? If someone hears that! I have a damn girlfriend!"

"Oh .." I just said and was speechless for a moment.

"Yes, Oh! So ... Satisfied ?!"

"B-But Lei .. Ehmm .. I heard someone say that you wanted to eat him up .."

"OHH, typical women who have nothing to do but sit and chat!" He roared angrily. And then completely unexpectedly, he turned and said, "What if I said that? Is that a crime?"

W-Well, I really didn't expect that.
"You actually admit it ?!" I asked off my socks.

"Yes, why shouldn't I? He looks very good .."

Where he was right, he was right!

"Don't say that so loudly! Otherwise I won't get him off his high horse!"

"Oh .. he's also interested in the male sex?" He asked me with big eyes.

"No, he didn't. But he's conceited enough. We don't have to make this even more unbearable than it already is .."

"Don't be so bitchy all the time. It's a miracle that he stays with you .."

If you only knew my friend !!

"I'm not bitchy!"

"Of course you are! You have the hottest man in your line, with whom one would actually prefer to be completely gay or even a woman! But the only thing you do is pull a pout .."


"Now listen carefully to me, Blue or I have no idea what your real name is. I know how to deal with him, all right? It's enough if you don't try to turn him on."

"I already said that I have a girlfriend .." he said with a laugh.

"I don't care, the competition is getting a little too much for me here."

"All right .." he laughed. "You have nothing to fear from me. I will only adore him from afar."

"Deal .." I actually giggled.
"You can do that .."

"My God, the poor man. He must love you very much ..", he said again when we were on our way back.

I stopped again.
"Do you really think he loves me?"

He turned and looked at me confused.
"Of course.."

"And what brings you to this decision?"

"You've been bitchy all evening and nagging at him all the time, but he's calm and still has a smile on his face all evening long. If that's not love ..?"

Oh .. how warm my heart got !!!

"Yeah .. that could be .." I said and went back to Jackson ... without taking my eyes off him.

He beamed all over his face when he saw me coming ... and yes, I think I read love in his eyes too ??

"Hello beauty .." and kissed me tenderly on the cheek. "Well .. did you fight hard for me?"

"Yes, I did. And I won .." and kissed him gently on the lips and let them rest a little longer.

"I'm really happy about that .." and put his arm around me and turned back to the others.

I was the happiest woman on earth!

Thank you Blue ..

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