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Jackson's view

I knew she would like the surprise. She kept staring furtively at the ring, pretending it didn't mean much to her.
But I knew better.

And you're proud of that too, aren't you Jackson? !!

It just tore my heart to see her like that. She just looked better when she was happy. And I'm the last one who would take that away from her, but ...

"How many more women have you given rings to?"

"Not a woman yet," I said confidently.
That was also the truth.

"Uhh .. Then I should definitely put myself in the" special "category .." she said and laughed out loud.

"You should, yes. Because for me you are something very special .."

She looked at me uncertainly and poked around in her plate again.
"Are you angry if I stop eating? I'm full .."

"No I'm not."

She got up and brought her dishes into the house and came back after a short time.

"What's wrong with you, beauty?" I asked her curiously because her face had changed.

"Nothing .. what should be?"

"I don't know, you're so ... Not happy at all .. I thought you were happy?"

"About what Jackson? That you also put a second fake wedding ring on my finger?" She asked a little aggressively and her eyebrow flickered up.

I was about to say something, but she didn't seem to be finished yet.
"The two most beautiful men in the whole world, I'm married to both of them! But it's just fake ..! Someone should imitate me!", She snorted the latter to herself.

"I look a lot better than Jack! Please!" I said indignantly and winked at her to make her laugh.
It worked.

"You are the greatest show-off there is, Jackson! Jack is not like you .."

"Hm ... I hope you mean by that, he's not so sexy, so good-looking, so charming .....!", I could have listed pages by page, but she interrupted me.

"I met Jack first .. When I saw him, I thought he was the most handsome man I have ever seen. When he said it wasn’t him I’m going to have Sex with, but his brother, I was right disappointed. I thought I had caught his ugly brother who doesn't get a woman ..! ", she laughed.

"What did he say about me ..?"

"Nothing .. He just said that you are identical twins and that you are currently in jail .."

"How did his proposal come about?"

"I didn't take his proposal seriously! For whatever reason, I asked if he would step in if it didn't work out with you ... that was just a normal flirt. But he said he would even marry me if I come back untouched .. Because then I would be meant for his bed! But as I said, I didn't take it seriously. I was glad that I will at least make his identical twin happy ... "


"He was wrong, you were meant for my bed .."

"I'm glad about that too .." she said with a wink.

I smiled and walked over to her and put her right on my lap.
"I'm also very glad that you were the one he sent to me .." and kissed her on her lips.

She looked at me and brushed my hair off my face.
"When I was on the way to see you, I thought nothing of it. I had just seen the most beautiful man. You thinks his twin won't blow you away, you know what to expect .."


"I was wrong. You were even more handsome .." and breathed a kiss on my lips.

"Say that again next to Jack, and I'll buy you a jewelry store!"

She giggled and tenderly stroked my cheek.
"Keep your money, handsome man. I'll do it too if you don't buy it for me .."

"Why don't you just do it? Rob me, use the effect that your beauty creates with my senses .."

"That's not my style .." she said with a laugh. "Damn it, I don't even like jewelry!"

"Hm .. Then I have to bait you with something else .."

"What do you think you will bait me with ..?"

"With my damn good look!" And she giggled at that.

"That could really work, Jackson. Because someone like you won't came again ..."

"You forget Jack, beauty .."

"Jack? He just looks like you Jackson. But his eyes don't look at you the way you always do. You both have the same eye color, but yours look darker .. And I like this dark one. It doesn't feel the same either as soon as he touches you. His hands are never so rough and yet at the same time so tender ... And I especially like that. And your hair is longer ... And that's what I like the most .. "

Damn it!
I think my cock .... Ehh no!
Not my cock!
I got goddamn goose bumps!

Which got worse when she kissed me gently on the lips.
My whole body was tingling and I was trembling slightly.

"What's going on, Jackson? Did my words excite you so much ...", she said laughing to my lips.

"Yeah .." I said, putting my arms around her and hugging her closer to me.
Her words really got under my skin ... they were more good for my heart than, like, really my dick.
I wanted more of it ..

Damn Jackson!
You will hurt her!

"Can we stay like this a little longer? I don't want to kick your balls yet .."

I threw my head back and laughed.
"Then fuck me, beauty. I'm happy with that too .."

"Maybe later .. not yet. Hold me a little bit more .."

"I really enjoy doing that .." and put her deeper in my arms. "I like to cuddle with you .." and kissed her neck.

"Would you cuddle with me all night too, so ... Without sex?"

"Yes, but we can't tonight! My dick is already twitching with anticipation for the kick .."

"Sure, you get your kick, don't worry!" She said, beaming.


She wrapped her legs around me and kept giggling to herself ... I really enjoyed it.
Even if she doesn't kick me in the balls, I wouldn't be angry, it's enough ... But I'd rather not tell her that.

I deserved at least one kick today!

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin