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"Valentina Bella Rosa Perez"

"What's that for a long name?" I wondered when we were on the yacht that brought us to Hawaii.

"So Valentina means" the strong or the brave "and bella means" beautiful "and Rosa" Rose ".. And Perez is the last name. I think they couldn't have given you a nicer name. So and if you now sign here, then it's official. We don't want them to lock you up in Hawaii .. ", and put his sign on it too." Here .. "he pointed to the spot with his finger.

"Ah ok. I have enough problems!" I said and put my new signature on it.
So that was my new name?

"And what is your name?"
I looked at his name and tried to decipher his writing.

"Angel Perez .."

"Oh .. Ehh .. we are siblings?"

Or not??

"We're married .." he said, winking at me.

"Oh you shit .." I managed to get out.

What did that mean?
Was that a hidden purpose on his part, or was it for some other reason ?!

"W-Why are we married?"

"So that I don't have any problems when I try to convince you to have Sex with me .."

What ?!

"You want to force me?"

"Not that, but I will try all legal ways!" He beamed all over his face. "And if a little more persuasion is required, then I can do that. I'm your man .." he whispered to my lips.

I backed away immediately.
"What about Jack?"

"Elra is married to Jack and Bella Rosa is married to Jackson, and as long as we're here and within Mexico .. Jack can't do anything about that."

So I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
I decided to laugh.
I actually had the 2 handsome men in the whole world, married ... !!

Although I really didn't care for Jack ... But still!
What else could I say about it?
Somebody should imitate me, if they can!

"Why did you do that, Jackson?"

"Should I have slept with you to hit him off?"

Now I already had the man of my dreams to myself, but the marriage was just as fake as the other.
Damn it!

"Just for your information .. We went to the registry office with Jack and exchanged rings and the paperwork was complete. Even if it is fake, the marriage actually exists on paper .."

He smiled like a winner and suddenly held the paper in front of my nose that I had just signed.
"You just married me, beauty .."

I took a closer look at the slip and saw that it was indeed a prenuptial agreement.

"Why didn't you tell me it was a prenuptial agreement?"

"I didn't want to get a no .."

I did not know what to say.
I would have loved to scream for joy.
He tricked me into not taking a no!

He hadn't chosen the sex variant. Probably because of last night's conversation.
I should be happy about that ... Or not?

He hadn't said anything, not even hinted at anything.
Well then it would mean, as long as we were here, we were married ... A perfectly normal married couple.

Had he married me now because he loved me or was it just to snatch me away from Jack? Even if only in Hawaii and Mexico.

Why was this man the way he was damned ?!
Why don't you just say what's up and do things that only confuse me more ?!

I really had no answer to that!

I put the paper back on the table and went to the other side of the yacht.
I just sat down on the couch and enjoyed the warm sun .. And only now realized that we still hadn't eaten .... And also not showered.

And that was urgently needed at the moment.
I was about to go down to the bedroom when Jackson came towards me.
"Where are you going?"

"I noticed that I didn't shower or eat anything today. I'm dying of hunger! But before that I want to take a quick shower .."

"The shower didn't work, I just wanted to go too. The captain says the water tank is broken. I'm just coming from him. He said he can stop the yacht for a moment, then we jump into the water. After that we can eat something." . "

"If you think, just because you are my husband now, that I will jump naked into the water in front of you. Then you was very wrong."

"You always with your prudish manner! As if I hadn't seen anything of your beautiful body! But don't worry, you don't need to jump into the water naked. I had bathing suits for us. It's downstairs in the closet .."

"Awww! You really think about everything, Jackson!" I squealed and ran downstairs, delighted.

I laughed when I found different bikini in the closet and not a single swimsuit.
He said he would try all legal ways. Alright!

I took the black one that seemed less showing and quickly put it on.
I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself up nicely with it.

He'll see me in my bikini in the end anyway, I know. But the less he did that, the better it was for my hormones!

I ran back up the stairs and was relieved to find that he wasn't there. Only at the edge did I see that he had already jumped into the water and was doing his laps.

I followed him and just jumped into the water. But as soon as I reappeared, I saw him in front of me ..

He had brushed his wet, long hair from his face and the water that was dripping from his eyelashes ... His wet, shiny skin ... Those eyes ... His wild look ... So inviting ... just a Aphrosidiac!

I felt a joyful pain between my legs.
I was married to this man! ... Ehh .. Only in Mexico I know ... But anyway!


I just turned around and swam away before throwing all my senses overboard and jumping around his neck.

This man was just too handsome!

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon