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"You stay next to me the whole time to make that clear .." Jackson muttered in my ear as we walked into the restaurant.


"And we won't stay long! If you are really hungry, I have enough protein in my balls. That will fill you up .."

"Oh god .. Jackson! I really don't mind swallowing you, but the way you portray it ... As if I were spooning it into myself! That makes my stomach turn up!"

"Do you have to put this picture in my head in this state?"

"Jackson stop, I'm serious ..!" I said with a laugh.

"Elra come ... We'll disappear into the bathroom with you for a moment!" Came Blinky and grabbed my hand.

"Hey! Where are you taking her ?!" Jackson shouted, pulling me back to him.

"Damn Jackson, let go of her. Should she eat in that elevator in a restaurant ?! With a dressing gown ?! I'm just giving her a different dress ..!"

"You don't need to, she looks beautiful ..."

"Yes, beautiful for your cock. But you have to hold it back for the next time! Below the belt is taboo for now!"

"Agreed, then I'll only use her bust size ..." he said cheekily, but Blinky laughed and pulled me with her. "This guy's really bad!" She said, amused.

"Why did you have to have this dinner, Blinky? Couldn't that have waited until next week?"

"We're getting married next week, there is also a party ..", she said with a wink and pushed the bag into my hand. "Come on, put this on quickly. I'll wait here .."

"No Blinky! You are practically forcing this wedding on him! He has already said that we are getting married ... really!" And went into the room to change my clothes.

"If we wait for Jackson, you can wait years for him to go to the altar."


"What do you mean?" And stopped in the middle of my movement.

"You talk like you don't know Jackson. Just because you have a ring on your finger doesn't mean you will get married too .." she actually said.

So that was really going too far!
I changed quickly and stepped out of the toilet again.

"At last, let's go in .." she said quickly.

"Blinky wait!" I said and she turned back to me. "Please, you're really confusing me. Then why did he put this ring on my finger if he wasn't thinking of marrying me ..?"

"That's not what I mean. You know Jackson. He doesn't believe in marriage. He loves to be desired by every woman."

"I know, but ... I wasn't the one who put this ring on my finger. He did it all by himself ... He said he wanted to marry me. Then why shouldn't he want it all of a sudden? "

"Of course he does! Jack says he has never seen him so in love. You just have to push Jackson to the altar! That shouldn't come across as negative ... Sorry .."

"No, it's okay. Let's go .." I said and just stepped out.

I wasn't quite sure about the whole thing anymore. Why do you have to push him into the altar?
When he put the ring on my finger, nobody had pushed him to do it!

But she was right. Jackson loved being adored by women ... and enjoyed it!

"Wow .. are you going to kill me tonight or what?" Jackson said as we walked past him, but I didn't dare look at him.

Not because I was ashamed, I just couldn't.
At the moment he only looked with his cock, because I won't be able to see whether he really wants to marry me ..... Or is it really just a phase?

But honestly, I didn't care if he married me or not. I've been very happy with him so far.
Happy with our fake marriage as Angel and Bella Rosa.

Of course, there is nothing I would rather do than be like this man's wife. But it didn't have to be real ... We didn't have to get married, not like that.

I didn't want him to hate me after a few months just for pushing him to the altar.
I prefer to have a few happy months with him than like a marriage that he never wanted to enter into anyway.
I didn't want this marriage!

I had to talk to Jackson and tell him that.
Suddenly someone grabbed my hair and just pulled me back.
"Since when do you ignoring me?" I heard Jackson whisper against my neck and I laughed out loud.

"Sorry ... I-I was so lost in my thoughts ..." I said then and freed myself from his hands.

"I am also elsewhere with my thoughts, beauty .."

"Where ?!" I asked as if I didn't know the answer.

"Come with me .." he said and pulled me by my arm to some corner of the restaurant.

He just pressed me against the wall and in no time, reached his hand under my dress and then straight from the back into my tights.

"Damn it, you still haven't got your panties on!" He said with a laugh and pressed his lips to mine and then peeled off again.

"Jackson, we need to talk, please! It's important ..!"

"I'm listening to you ..", he gasped briefly and simply penetrated me with his finger.

"God .. Jackson .." I sighed softly and buried my face in his throat.

"Elra, I just can't get a clear thought ..!", And with a firm grip he just tore a hole in my tights.

"Shit ... What did you do ..?", I laughed and looked around me.

"Say which one do you want ?! My finger or my cock ?!" and forced me to look at him.

"Damn Jackson! Put her down.... now!" Blinky suddenly called from behind us.

That was to be expected.
"Just say we're too late!" Jack came right after.

"Get out of here, Jack, we are inappropriate!" Jackson exclaimed and I felt his breath on my neck.

"OHH No! You promised!" I heard Jack say and saw how he just grabbed Jackson by the collar and literally tore him out of my arms.

I literally landed on my bum and then let Blinky pick me up.
"He tore your tights ?! What got into him .... A monster ????!"

I just pulled it off my legs and went to the nearest trash can.
"It's already done .." I said and walked away from her.

Then I went back to our table and continued to eat ... as if nothing had happened.

We just had to get out of here!

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Where stories live. Discover now