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Jackson's view

I was just mad at this bastard's audacity!
That he had written to her again after such a long time!

What was he up to ?!
I knew very well that he was not interested in Elra, he said that clearly!

His hatred was directed at me, but he kept pulling Elra into the matter and I didn't like that at all!
She had been through enough!

I thought he came home after I saw the message to Elra and wanted to confront him. But the damned guy was still not home!

Where did he send her the note from ?!

I drove back to Elra to reassure her, but when I rang her doorbell, no one opened the door. With the thought that she had gone to Mary, I stopped by her too:

"She must be at home. Her phone is busy. I thought she was on the phone with you .."

"No, I didn't call her. I told her I'll be back. I knocked on the door, but she didn't open it .."

"Maybe she didn't hear you because she was in the shower. Because I just called her again, it was busy."

"OK, maybe she's really in the shower. I'll ring the bell again .."

Calmed again, I went back to her apartment and rang the doorbell again ... But nobody answered.
She was probably still in the bathroom and decided to wait for her in the car when Mary came running up.

"Didn't she opened?"

"No .." I said a little confused when I saw her worried face.

"I just called her again because I thought she should have been out of the shower long ago. But her phone is still busy .."

"That can't be. Then she must hear that knocking too.", And tried my luck again on her door. "Elra! It's me, Jackson!"

"Elra!" Called Mary too. "Oh god, do you think something happened to her?" She asked with big eyes.

Ohh shit!
"I'm trying to break the door, go back!" I warned her and kicked the door several times and actually made it. "ELRA!" I called out loud to her.

"The phone! She didn't hang up!" Said Mary.

"Who was she on the phone with? Did you talk to her again today after I was gone?"

"Yes, that's right, now I remember it. She said she has to answer the door. She said that it was you, because you forgot something .. And then I hung up .."

"It wasn't me. I went straight to my house to talk........ SHIT! I'm not sure but I have such a queasy feeling."

"What do you mean? Or ... Oh my God! I hope that's not Paul!"

"No, he's behind bars .."

"Who else?"

"I think it's Jack. He hasn't been home for days, it could also be that it isn't he. Just where else can she be?"

"Why Jack? I think he gave up on her .."

"He didn't give up on her, I mean ... he didn't even love her. He's only after her because of me ..."

"How come?"

I told her the short version because I didn't have time. But as I found to my surprise, Mary did not know that Jack was Paul’s client and was now a little more worried about Elra.

"My poor child .. First she lets this guard abuse her for you and now ?! Who knows what he's doing to her now ?! Have you ever thought that he might kill her ..?!"

"He won't kill her, he won't."

"And if he does ?!"

"Maria, he won't. It's not even sure whether she's with him. Perhaps the customer came that we canceled today .."

"No, that can't be," she said softly. I felt really sorry for her.

"I'll bring her back to you, don't worry, ok? I won't allow Jack to harm her, because I want to eat her up! So .. go home and wait for my call .."

I quickly ran to the car and drove home quickly, hoping they were already there, but:

"No Jackson, he don't call. He hasn't been home for a long time ..", Maria our Cook told.

"OK .." I said with sagging shoulders and didn't know what to do. At first I was sure Elra was with Jack, but as the days went by I wasn't so sure anymore.

Where were they?
Jack wouldn't hide her from me, or would he?
He would show her to me with great pleasure, just as he did last time.
To drive me crazy!

Mary called me 3 times a day and asked for her, but more than like, I have no idea where she might be, I couldn't give her an answer.

Then, Jack actually came back after 1 week with Elra in his arms.

"Jack, let me down!" She giggled, fidgeting her feet as Jack got her through the door.

"It's proper, stop fidgeting. You're my wife!" I heard him say and put her back on her feet in the house. "Welcome to your new house .." he said and kissed her on the lips.

She returned his kiss and withdrew in shock.
"Where's Jackson? We should be careful! I'm sure he'll react like last time .." she actually said.

What was wrong with her ?!
Was she drugged ??!

"Leave that to me, little angel. I'll have a look where he is. You go to our room and have a bath. I'll come and join you ..."

"OK, I'm waiting for you ..", and hurried upstairs.

A beaming Elra hopped up the stairs and Jack went looking for me.
"I'm here, Jack!" And stepped out of my hiding place.

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