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I've never been so nervous in my life ... I think!
I was shaking and my teeth were chattering, but I bravely kept my mouth closed.

"I'm not stupid, Elra .. but there is very soon the danger that I will lose my head? Why are you on the one hand so passionate and ....... then you push me away from you! You did even said that you like me! I just can't make out of you! At first I thought you want to let me fidget a bit, which I also liked, but now it's enough! What is it that prevents you ?! Did this Paul do something to you, or Jack ...?! I have no idea about it, but keep reminding you unconsciously ?! "

I was speechless.
I didn't know he was thinking of that.

"Although the thought with Paul just crossed my mind, I'm sorry I didn't think about it beforehand. But please tell me, did Paul do something to you that you can't deal with?", He said then and I had to laugh.

"Why are you fucking laughing ?!" he roared.

"Sorry, I just had the same thought and then you gave me the answer to it .." I laughed and shook my head.

"What did that bastard do to you ?!" he suddenly yelled and forced me to look at him.

"No Jackson, he didn't do anything bad ..."

"Don't lie! Maria said you looked awful, but she didn't tell me what he did to you either! Tell me, I swear I'll smuggle someone into jail and make sure they chop off his cock .." ! "he said passionately and was totally serious.

I don't know why I laughed even though I felt like crying. The anger in his eyes was just comforting.
Not that I was happy that he was so angry, but just ... How should I say that?
He was so protective ..
It just made me proud.

I kissed his dark eyes and another smack on the lips.
"Cool off, nothing like that happened. I just had light bleeding and several bruises. He just dragged it out and just took advantage of the situation. No more ..."

"Damn asshole! How should I know that he planned something like this?", He said and stood up firmly.

"Jack said he had nothing to do with what Paul did. He just planned my return with Paul immediately."

"That still doesn't make him good!" He said annoyed. "If only he had done what he should, none of this would have happened!"

"It's past .. Gone. Don't think about it anymore. I'm not traumatized .." I said to calm him down for good.

He turned back to me and sat down on his lounger.
"Then why Elra? Are you taking revenge on me because of the other men in your life. I would really understand that.."


"I just don't understand you! Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to you, except touch you a little ... And I couldn't even finish that! YES! I've never stalked a woman like I did at with you ... I always got her right away! But you ...! Do you like to see me in this state? How deep should I just fall, damn it ?! "

Was he serious?
I couldn't break away from his gaze! As if he was going to strangle me at any moment.

"Oh damn it!" He exclaimed and kicked a chair that was on the other side of the pool.
How deep should I sink, he said ?!

I would never want to trample his pride ... Never!

I got up and jumped straight into the water and cooled down again.
Damn it!
I'll sleep with him in a moment!
I just needed that!

He had turned to me after the sound of water and was looking at me leaning against the lantern.
Without looking at him, I got out of the water again and lay down on the lounger.

I pulled my leg up a little and opened it slightly to attract him.
He will come Elra, he will be there in a moment ..

"Do you want to drive me crazy ..?" I actually heard him next to me and opened my eyes.
He had crossed his arms and his eyes wandered up and down my body.

"Nothing like that, I plan to .."
I didn't know what he was waiting for.
What else should I do?
Tell him you can fuck me ?!

No way!
He can wait a long time!

"I hope you are already aware of your elevator ..?!"

Oh yeah!

"What about my elevator? I dry my body in the morning breeze .."

"Elra .." he said as he knelt next to me. "I can see everything .." he explained to me.

I closed my eyes and said:
"Don't pretend you're seeing something like that for the first time! It's just a bikini .."

"It is white.."

"It looks very good on tanned skin. Or don't you think so?"

"It looks ... gorgeous!" And heard him gasp for air.

"I told you!" And chuckled.

"May I see it up close .."

He actually asked!
"You want to see it?"

"Yes, just look ..!" He said quickly and I saw the questioning, uncertain anticipation in his eyes.

OK, I'll play a little more with him!

"But not more!"

"OK!" He said beaming and I closed my eyes contentedly ... and left the rest to him.

Jack & Jackson Seduction !!COMPLETED!! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu