Chapter 39

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"Let's go and have a cup of coffee!" Jessie exclaimed after the school had finished. "I don't care." I said and she pouted. "C'mooon! Don't be like this!" she said and I sighed. "Okay. Let's go then!" I said and smiled ironically. "You will never be an actress." she said and I chuckled lightly. "You know what?" Jessie asked while we were walking and I looked at her. "No, I don't know what." I said and she rolled her eyes. "I need a boyfriend." she said and I giggled. "You don't need one. He will...he will only cause troubles." I said and she pinched my shoulder. "Pull yourself together!"  she said and I nodded. "Okay. I'm fine. I am perfectly fine." I said and we continued walking.

"Could you order a cup of caramel coffee for me?" Jessie asked while we were taking off out coats. "Why? Are you too lazy to walk to the counter with me?" I asked and she made a face. "No. I just need to pee!" she exclaimed and I giggled. She ran to the toilets and God how embarrassed it made me. I walked to the counter and waited for my turn to order. I looked around and noticed that 2 guys keep staring on me. Th...Oh shit. They're both football players from Borussia. Phew. This is impossible. "Excuse me madam?" somebody called and I turned around. "Oh, yes. Sorry." I told the waiter and he smiled. "What can I get you?" he asked and I looked back at those guys.

"Uuum...a cup of caramel coffee and a cup of black one." I said after I had looked back at the waiter. "Sure. Anything else?" he asked and I shook my head, payed for our coffee and left to sit down. Where the hell is Jessie all the time? I looked in front of me and those guys are still staring on me. I don't get it! Is something on my face? Or my clothes? Wait...what are their names? Uuuuum... I'm sure I know it. Pierre? No. No. Roman? Nuri? No. Shit. Milos? Yes! Milos Jojac? Jojic! Milos Jojic! And the other one is uuuumm... Sven? No. Erik! Erik Durm is his name! Okay. So Milos Jojic and Erik Durm keep staring on me. Why?!

"I am heeere!" Jessie exclaimed and sat down next to me. Can't she sit opposite me? "Hello? Can you hear me?" she asked and I looked at her. "Yes. What took you so long?" I asked and she giggled. "There are 2 toilets there. 1 is out of order and there was a girl on the second one." she said and I sipped my coffee. "Jesteś nerwowy." Jessie said and I looked at her. "Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're nervous. Why?" she asked and I rolled my eyes. "How many times am I supposed to tell you that I don't understand Polish?" I exclaimed and she giggled.

"It's always funny to speak on you in Polish." she said and I rolled my eyes. "I don't wanna sound like a psycho, but there's a guy who keeps staring on you." she said and I looked at her. "Who?" I asked playing an innocent one. "Look in front of you. The hazel haired one." she said and I looked at him. Shit. Can't he just stop it? If Marco is here....I'm thinking about him. Again. If Marco is here he would be jealous. I sighed and looked away. 

"Emma you're so sexy." Jessie whispered and I choked. "Excuse me?" I asked and she giggled. "I'm talking about him." she said and her head made a move in the guy's direction. I stood up, put on my coat, grabbed my coffee and walked to his table. "Excuse me, is there something wrong with me?" I asked and he looked at me surprised at my presence. "I.. I don't know what you're talking about." Erik, I think that's his name, said. "You don't know? You've been staring on me for an hour!" I said and Milos laughed. "And you? You were staring too." I said and pointed on him. He looked at me and I sighed. "You know what? If you're looking for a distraction, you're not on a good address." I said and turned on my heel.

"We didn't mean to offend you." one of them said while I was walking away, and so I turned to look at them. "Okay. Just... the next time please do not stare." I said and walked away. "That was awesome." Jessie said after she had closed the door of cafe. "What was awesome?" I asked and waited for her to reach me. "Do you have some kind of radar for football players?" she asked and I sighed. "No." I said and started walking away. "They both like you." she said and I turned around. "So what? Look, my life is pretty hectic right now so there's no time for new romances." I said and walked away.


"Hey." I said and closed the door behind me. Better said - I shut the door pretty hard. "Hello." Marcel said and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" he asked and I faked a smile. "Perfectly." I said and he shrugged. "You know what?! I'm not fine." I exclaimed after a while and I scared him so much that he threw his hands in the air. "I was in a cafe with Jessie. Guess what?! There was Milos Jojic and that...uuumm.. Erik Durm who kept staring at me the whole time! Especially the hazel haired one. How perfect, isn't it?" I asked desperately and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What? As Marco's teammates?" Marcel asked and I clapped my hands. "You're smart!" I said ironically and went to my bedroom. 

Marco's POV

"Hey." I said and Marcel sat down next to me. "Hi." he said and I called the waitress to bring our food. I kept looking at Marcel, biting my tongue not to bring up Emma too early. "She is fine." Marcel said our of nowhere and I furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you know?" I asked and he looked at me. "Seriously?" he asked and sighed. "I know that Emma wouldn't want me to tell you, but I have to." Marcel said after the waitress had brought our food and I cannot wait to hear it. "She was in a cafe with that Jessie." Marcel said and I nodded. Okay? That's not a crime.

"Aaand your teammates were there." he said and I shrugged. "So what?" I asked and he put the fork down. "They were staring at her the whole time." Marcel mumbled and my fists hit the table. "Hey! Keep calm!" Marcel said and I looked around. Okay people! You don't have to keep staring. "What did they want?!" I asked and he shrugged. "She hasn't told me. All she said was that they kept staring on her. Especially Erik." he said and I stood up. "I need to know what he told her!" I exclaimed and Marcel stood up. "Okay. But now, sit down and eat." Marcel exclaimed in whisper and I shook my head.

Thanks for the comments and votes. I hope you're not angry with me. Haha.
Here is another chapter :-) Tell me your thoughts please! :-)

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