New Character: Soot

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(A/N: If anyone is a Crypt TV Fan, I'm adding a new Crypt Tv character. This creature is the embodiment of death, the grim reaper himself. This is Soot and if you seen his series, you know who he is. So let's get it started.)

How He Meet You:

Both parents have survived a car accident as the mother is planning to sacrifice the baby as the dad came home with a terrified look on his face.

"What's wrong?" The mom asked

The dad showed the mom a half circle on his hand as the mom looked at her hand and noticed the same thing. The power came out as they both heard the sound of a baby's crying. The father then ran and got the baby as the baby continue to cry from the dark.

"Shut it you worthless thing! God you should've died from the car accident instead of us." The mom said

That's when they heard a growl and they turned around to see the figure who is very tall with dark blue-gray skin, a skull-like face and long fingers and nails. The creature wore tattered dark-gray robes and has bones sticking out of his head like a crest. His gums and teeth are visible, with his gums being a dark, bloodied red and his teeth are rotten and yellowing. Instead of eye and nose sockets, the creature has a heart-shaped network of interlocked red wires where his eyes and nose sockets would be. The parents were terrified as they heard about the creature from rumors from the jobs they both worked at:

"The creature's name is Soot. He goes to finish the job for people who denied them your death. Once you are marked, There's NO ESCAPE!"

The father then reached the baby as a sacrifice as Soot 'looked' at the baby as the baby have E/C eyes and H/C hair. Tears were streaming down the baby's face as Soot snarled angrily at the parents. Reaching his arms, he held the baby and teleport it to somewhere safe away to not hear the screams. Soot came back and maimed both parents, giving them the same injuries from the car wreck as the crescent marks formed into a perfect circle. The baby was about to cry as Soot came back and took the baby away, wanting to raise it as his own.

His First Night With You:

Once you arrived at his 'home', you started to whimper scared as Soot makes a purring sound and got out a baby bottle and fill it with some formula. Once the bottle is made, he fed it to you as you drank it. Once your belly is full, he burped you and thought of a name. He use his hand and write on the wall and it have the words:


You gurgled at the name as you rubbed your eyes as he begin to place you in a bassinet as you slowly fall asleep as he placed a warm blanket over your body to warm you up.

Who He Trust To BabySit You:

Soot trusted Mira and LookSee to babysit you.

When He Plays With You:

You are now playing hide and seek with your daddy as you are now hiding underneath the bed as your dad is searching for you. You stayed quiet until you let out a cute sneeze as your dad noticed your baby feet. He then grabbed your legs and carefully pulled you out from under the bed and tickle your tummy as you giggled, enjoying playing hide and seek with your dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Eath. Death):

You are now crawling around the house and is babbling until you see a male adult who survived a crash. You looked and see the crescent shape and point to it.

"E-Eath (Death)! Eath!" You said

You then felt hands around your body as your daddy picked you up as he chitters while touching your cheek. You held his finger as you begin to say it again.

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