Heron's Wedding

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(A/N: If anyone is a fan of 30 Days Of Night, prepare to marry the love of your life Sissy Spacek and your dad Heron. This wedding is picked by Davidsmate24. I hope you all enjoy and let's get it started!!)

Today is the day you are going to marry the love of your life Sissy Spacek. From the time you met her as a kid, you adore her acting especially when she played as Carrie and you even took a picture with her and even told her your feelings which made Zurial told your dad which he told you to wait till you are at the right age to date. Once you are 18, she have treated you with respect and love and she even proposed to you. You are now putting a veil over your face as your dad came and smile at you.

"You look beautiful." Heron said

"Thank you dad." You said

Your dad begin to hold your hand before walking you down to the aisle. Meanwhile Sissy Spacek is in a beautiful dress as Inika played the organ as you walked down the aisle with your dad as Sissy smiled and held your hand.

"Friends and family, we are gathered here to see Sissy Spacek and Y/N in matrimony. They both have been together for months and they are now going to be married together. They will now say their vows." Marlow said

"Sissy Spacek, you are an amazing actress that I love. From the time I met you as a kid, you are very nice and kind to me. I promise that I will treat you like a queen and be with you for the rest of my life." You said

"Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You have the most beautiful eyes and the warm smile that brighten up my day. I promiser that I will treat you like a queen and be with you for the rest of my life." Sissy said

"Do you Sissy Spacek, take Y/N to be your wife?" Marlow asked

"I do." Sissy said

"Do you Y/N, take Sissy Spacek to be your wife?" Marlow asked

"I do." You said

"Then I now pronounce you wife and wife." Marlow said

You both shared a kiss as everyone cheered with happiness and throw some beautiful roses as you smiled. At the party, the group Paramore begin to perform Ain't It Fun as Sissy danced with you and twirled you around as your giggle as Zurial danced with Kali. After when they performed Emergency, Misery Business and CrushCrushCrush, Hayley begin to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the father and daughter dance." Hayley Williams said

Your dad get up with you as you both danced together to a classic song. Your dad twirled you around and continue to dance with you. After when you are finished dancing, everyone cheered as Sissy kissed your cheek and gave you some cake as you eat it with her. After when you both are finish eating, you both went to the limo as Heron smiled.

"Have fun at your honeymoon." Heron smiled

"Thank you dad." You smiled

As Iris drove the limo, you smiled as you have the best wedding ever.

Heron: Great wedding!!!

Me: Thanks Heron.

Karl Heisenberg: It's very beautiful.

Marlow Roderick: So which wedding you want next?

LookSee: *Write a note* Pick a character you wanted.

Lady Dimitrescu: Also try to stay cool due to the heatwave.

Me: Plus in my band family member, the tribute to Joey Jordison is going to be soon.

Zurial: Stay cool..

Shelley Carter: Stay hydrated with some water.

Sweeney Todd: And have some ice cream to cool off.

Heron: Goodbye to the wonderful followers of Wattpad.

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