New Character: Damien Thorn

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(A/N: To all the Omen Fans, I'm adding another character to the list! This is Damien thorn from the movie Omen! This character is picked by rerebaker14. I hope you all enjoy and let's get this started.)

How He Meet You:

It is a dark and stormy night as Damien is now outside as he begin to look around until he saw a female who is 18 years old and carefully placing the baby down on the streets. He begin to use his power as the female stopped suddenly as Damian came over to her.

"Why did you abandon this baby?" Damien asked

"She's a mistake... and I can't have her." The female said

Damien then used his powers to make the female stabbed herself with the knife as he pick up the newborn baby who have beautiful E/C eyes and H/C hair. He then took the baby alone and thought of a name.

"Y/N. That's your name." Damien cooed

You gurgled cutely at the name as Damien begin to raise you as his own.

His First Night With You:

As Damien brings you to his home, you begin to look around as Damien ordered his minions to get everything for you. You begin to coo as Damien bathed you, put on your new onesie and even fed you. After when you have been burped, he begin to place you in a makeshift crib and kiss your cheek as you hold his index finger as he smiled at you.

"Daddy doesn't hurt you." Damien smiled

You giggled as you adore your brand new daddy.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Damien Thorn doesn't his anyone to babysit you because he doesn't want to see you hurt.

When He Play With You:

"Where are you my little Y/N?" Damien thorn cooed

You are now playing hide and seek with your dad as Damien continue to search for you as he decided to check the bedroom. He looked around until he sees his cloak and two baby feet. He chuckled as he removed the cloak and kiss your forehead as you laughed cutely.

"Found you. Sneaky little demon." Damien chuckled

You giggled more as you love playing hide and seek with his dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Atan. Satan):

"Come on Y/N. Say dada." Damien cooed

"Ba!" You said while giggling

Damien is trying to teach you a few words but all you left out is sweet babbles or even say 'ba' while making a happy giggle. You giggled as he placed you down as you started to crawl and notice a picture of Satan on the wall and point to it.

"A-Atan (Satan)!" You said

"Yes it's Satan, the father that I have been serving." Damien said

You cooed as Damien pick you up as he enjoyed you saying your first word.

When He Change Your Diaper:

You are now in your playpen in your daddy's office without a care in the world until you started to made a mess in your diaper and cried. Damien notice you are crying and he pick you up and place you onto the changing table. You started to whimper as your dad removed your diaper and sing a gentle tune as he begin to wipe your bottom, powder it and even put a fresh clean diaper. He then place some rash cream as he then place on a new onesie as he throw the dirty diaper away and wash his hands. You cooed as he pick you up and kiss your forehead as you giggled.

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