New Character: Jacob Goodnight

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(A/N: If anyone is a fan of See No Evil, this is the character Jacob Goodnight. So I hope everyone enjoy this story!

Warning: Blood, Religious Abuse and killing)

How He Meet You:

Outside of the household, Jacob Goodnight is now with his axe, looking for some 'sinners' to kill until he heard the sound of two parents arguing while the female is holding a blanket.

"This mistake is the sinner of the devil." The male said

"She will be thrown into the river of god." The female said

Jacob started to growl angrily as he remembers the time that his own mom abused him when he was a child till now. He approached the parents with an axe as he stopped the dad and pick him up with his brute strength and snapped his neck with ease. The mother hold the blanket as Jacob looked to see that it's a newborn baby with H/C hair and E/C eyes, slowly waking up with rags around it.

"I see the sin in you!" Jacob growled

"Good... then destroy this sin of god!" The lady smirked

Jacob then bashed the mother with his brute strength as he punched her multiple times into a bloody pulp. He then took the baby and went back to the home as he's going to raise the baby as his own.

Your First Night With Him:

Jacob came home and begin to check for baby supplies as the baby cries as the rags are wet. Jacob heard the cries and approach to the baby and shushed the baby.

"Shh it's ok. New daddy's here." Jacob cooed

Jacob begin to put on a fresh clean diaper and fed some formula and he thought of a name for the baby.

"Hmmm.... I got it. Y/N. Yeah Y/N Goodnight." Jacob said

You cooed at the name as Jacob smiled and begin to hear you yawning and rubbing your E/C eyes, telling him that you're tired. Jacob then place you in a bassinet as you slowly fall asleep. Jacob kissed your forehead as he can't wait to raise you as his own.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Jacob doesn't trust anyone to babysit you because he's afraid of seeing you getting hurt.

When They Play With You:

You are now playing peek-a-boo with your dad as he made a few silly faces which made you giggle cutely as he continue to play with you.

Your First Word (Your First Word: Eye):

You are now giggling cutely as you are crawling around until you see a jaw of eyes as you cooed cutely and point to them.

"E-E..Eye!" You said

Jacob came over and pick you up as he slowly smiles at you as you point to it.

"Eye!" You said

"Yes it is an eye." Jacob cooed

You smiled cutely as your dad is proud of you saying your first word.

When He Changed Your Diaper:

You are now playing with your dad without a care in the world until you made a mess in your diaper and cry out as your dad see that your diaper is full and brought you to the changing area. He then take your onesie off and remove the flaps off of your diaper and gagged at the smell.

"Man you made a stinky." Jacob gagged

You laughed at his actions as Jacob removed the diaper and wiped your bottom and powdered it. He then place rash cream on your diaper region and place a fresh clean diaper and a new onesie. He then kissed your cheek as you giggled cutely as he pick you up and kiss your forehead.

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