New Character: Polite Leader

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(A/N: If any of you are a fan of the movie, The Purge then let me introduce you to the Polite Leader. He doesn't have a name so yeah. He's requested by JulieMcIntyre4! Hope you all enjoy and let's get it started!! Also special thanks to Davidsmate24 for the help. You rock!)

How He Meet You:

It is a day before Purge Night as everyone is being prepared for this day as Polite Leader heard strange sound and decided to follow it. As the sound grew louder, he found a baby girl, left abandoned by a dumpster.

"Whoever did this shall pay with their lives." He said in his head

He pick up the baby as the baby begin to sniffed and cried more.

"You poor innocent child. How about you come live with me?" Polite Leader asked

The baby begin to curl into his chest as Polite Leader begin to think of a name.

"Y/N... yeah that will be perfect!" Polite Leader said

You gurgled at the name as Polite Leader take you back to his home to raise you as his own.

His First Night With You:

Once he arrived at his home, you begin to look around to see other people that are wearing masks as he begin to bring you to the blonde female purger as you felt scared as she shushed you gently.

"Let's bathe Y/N." Polite Leader said

He begin to bathe you gently as you play with the bubbles. After when you are finished being bathed, he dried you up and put on a fresh clean diaper and a new onesie. You rubbed your eyes as Polite Leader placed you in your makeshift crib as you fall asleep.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Polite Leader trusted his girlfriend Blonde Female Purger to babysit you.

When He Plays With You:

"Peekaboo." Polite Leader cooed

You giggled as he continue to play Peekaboo with you as you tried to play Peekaboo but covered your eyes as he chuckled and kiss your cheek. You enjoyed playing with your dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Urge Purge):

You were crawling around when you saw your daddy getting ready to do another purge.

"U-Urge (Purge)!" You said

Your dad came over and pick you up as he's very proud of you and smile at you.

"Yes baby girl. Purge." Polite Leader smiled

When He Change Your Diaper:

You are now playing with your toys until you made a mess in your diaper. You don't like having a dirty diaper as you cried loudly as your dad came over and see that your diaper is full. He pick you up and begin to bring you to the changing room and placed you down. He removed your onesie and then take off the flaps and gagged as you giggled at his reaction.

"You think it's funny huh you little stinker?" Polite Leader cooed while pinching his nose

You laughed more as he begin to remove your dirty diaper and begin to bathe you gently. While bathing, he begin to kiss your cheek as you giggled. After being bathed, he dried you up before rubbing lotion and then rash cream on your diaper region. He then place a clean diaper and a new onesie as you smiled at him.

"All fresh and clean." Polite Leader said

Your First Steps:

Today, you were happily playing with your daddy, when he got called to go check on some weapons.

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