New Character: Salvatore Moreau

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(A/N: To anyone who is a fan of Resident Evil 8, I got another lord to add. The half man, half fish creature Salvatore Moreau. This is a request by Art-loving-bre. Hope you all enjoy!!)

How He Meet You:

Salvatore is now eating a block of cheese while watching a romantic movie until he heard two people outside of the territory and he went outside. He takes a peek to see two parents carrying two newborn.

"Set those monstrosities down here." The dad said

The mother set the two newborns and put a note that said sacrifice on them as Moreau felt angry and at the same time sad. He gurgled as he started to vomit up acid and groans out.

"Oh Mother Why? Why?" Salvatore groaned

He fall right into the water as he transformed into his fish like monster with a gaping maw and his back are covered in eyes. He swam out and follow the parents with ease as both parents row the boat back together. Just as they arrived at the entrance, Moreau then vomits up acid as it blocks up the entrance.

"WHAT THE?!!!" The mom said

"I won't let you leave..." Salvatore Moreau said

He then vomited on both parents as the acid seals them shut as he then swim back down and turn back into his normal form and came over to the newborns. He looked at the blanket to see not one but two girls with beautiful H/C hair and E/C eyes.

"Babies... newborn babies." Salvatore smiled

Both babies started to whimper as Salvatore shushed them gently.

"It's ok. Your brand new daddy is here to take care of you. Now what shall I name you? Hmm how about Y/N and Y/S/N." Salvatore suggested

You and your sister both gurgled at the names he called you as he begin to chuckle.

"I think we have a winner. Let me take you inside my home." Salvatore said

He then take you to his home to raise both you and your sister as his own.

His First Night With You:

As you and your sister arrived, Salvatore then noticed the note on both you and your sister's feet saying sacrifice as you and your sister are both whimpering scared.

"Shh shh. I won't sacrifice you or even eat you. I'll protect you and raise you both." Salvatore cooed

You and your sister cooed as he begin to bathe you both as you both make playful splashes in the tub. After drying you and your sister up, he place on new diapers and onesies before feeding you and your sister. You both cooed around the bottles as he then burped first you and then your sister. You and your sister rubbed your E/C eyes as Salvatore sees a small bassinet. He placed you and your sister into the bassinet as you both cuddled together. He kissed both you and your sister's cheeks and leave to watch some TV.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Salvatore doesn't trust NOBODY to babysit you and your sister.

When He Plays With You:

"Peekaboo!" Salvatore cooed

You and your sister both giggled at him as he begin to say PeekaBoo with a silly face as you both laughed together. He then tickle both you and your sister's stomachs as you both loved to play with your dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Ish Fish. Your sister's first word: Ater. Water):

"Kids say dada." Salvatore cooed

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