New Character: Norman Bates (Psycho)

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(A/N: To anyone who is a fan of Psycho, prepare to squeal for this one! This is Norman Bates! This character is picked by Tanaya_Shaw_. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!)

How He Meet You:

It is nighttime and Norman is finish cleaning up the hotel and heard the sound of thunder and rain. He was about to close the door until he heard the sound of a cry and went over to investigate. He then see a newborn baby with a note and read it.

"Who abandons this poor baby?" Norman asked

He begin to carefully pick up the newborn baby and brought the newborn baby back home as he's going to raise it as his own.

His First Night With You:

After Norman found you, he brought you back home and got you all cleaned up. Once you were all cleaned up, Mrs. Bates saw you with her son.

"And who's this Norman?" Norma Bates asked

"My baby girl, mother. She was abandoned & cold."  Norman said

"The poor dear. She can stay here with us. Also what's her name?" Norma asked

"Y/n. Y/n Bates." Norman said

You gurgled at the name as Norman smiled at you along with Norma as she felt very happy to see that Norman is going to raise you.

Who He Trust Yo Babysit You:

Norman only trust his mother to babysit you as you adore your grandmother especially when she feeds you and kept you warm and cozy.

When He Plays With You:

"Y/N where are you?" Norman cooed

Norman is playing hide and seek with you as he went over to Norma until he noticed baby feet under her dress. He then kneel down and carefully remove the dress as you giggled cutely.

"Found you!" Norman cooed

You giggled as you enjoyed playing hide and seek with your daddy.

Your 1st Word (First Word: Urder. Murder):

You are now crawling around until you see your daddy dragging a body bag and point to a body bag since you know what happened.

"U-Ur-der! Urder (Murder)!" You said

Norman heard you say your first word as he came over and pick you up.

"Good girl sweetheart! You said your first word. How about we go for ice cream?" Norman cooed

You make a cute cooing sound as Norman took you to the ice cream shop as he wants to take the mind of the body bag. He's very proud of you saying your first word.

When He Changed Your Diaper:

After when you have your ice cream, Norman took you back home as Norma smiled and kissed your cheek. You begin to fuss and make a mess in your diaper as Norman noticed that you need a diaper change.

"Don't worry Y/N. Daddy is going to change you." Norman said

Norman then place you on the changing area and begin to remove your onesie and take off the flaps and throw out the dirty diaper. He then begin to wipe, powder your bottom and then he place some rash cream on your diaper area. He then put a clean diaper on you and a new clean onesie.

"There all fresh and clean." Norman cooed

You smiled cutely as he pick you up and take you to your grandmother to play.

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