Chapter 20

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Lillian's POV

"You're going out your way over what?" I caught an attitude with Kent. I just want to cook lunch for myself- and hopefully Stefani and here he is yelling about money. I'm still upset with him.

"Our private bank teller just informed me that one billion fucking dollars was just signed over in a check from Stefani's savings!" He sounded like he's lost his mind- but that is a large sum of money.

"It's her money. She can decide what she wants to do with it. Just like how she can decide how she chooses to cope with missing the loss of her mother. She's an adult. I can talk to her about her expenses later- oh wait she won't even talk to me because of the way you overreacted yesterday. Call me when you're ready to talk about something legitimate," I hung up and tossed the onions and garlic into the pan.

"Don't you dare hang-

"Hey Lillian, hey- I'll just assume that's dad yelling on the phone. I bought a car today and I've decided to go to college and get a business degree to help advance and grow my current business in beauty products. Oh yeah, I also plan on selling my shares in your company Dad, I want no part in it," I walked over and went to the fridge.


Me and Lillian were standing right before eachother and it's clear she's terrified on what she should say or even do.



"S-sorry, you first," she nervously chuckled.

"I'd say the same but I want you to know how sorry I am for the way I pushed you away.. you- you just wanted to help and I'm sorry I didn't realize that until now. I should've given you a chance to explain yourself and I never did. Im also sorry that I snuck off without telling you.." I stared at the sizzling steak on the stove and my stomach growled.

I leaned against the countertops and folded my arms, I hope she didn't hear it.

"No, Stefani- I understand. I might've pushed it knowing you're not one to open up. I really understand where you're coming from. It all makes sense, there's no way I could amount to a woman like your mother. I understand and respect that. Please understand that I'm on your side. Your father really took this out of proportion. You should be allowed to miss her. I don't even see pictures of her in here- like she never existed..." Lillian pouted her heart out to me.

"He threw them away... all but the video camera I salvaged and the one photo I have hidden.." I stared at the hallway my room was in.

"Where were you?" She changed the topic but the focus was still me.

"Went to go buy a car. I made plans to take it out for a spin with Rachel. She's outside actually-

"Are you hungry?" Lillian cut me off as she blurted.

"I'm sorry- I haven't seen you eat. I don't know whether or not you've eaten. So much has been going through my mind and-

"It's okay... a cooked meal from you would be nice," I gave a small smile and she instinctively reached out but pulled back.


"It's okay... you can hug me. Hugs are your way of showing affection- I on the other hand am not very affectionate. This is your way of communicating I guess..." I felt my throat get dry and stiff as Lillian approaches me and gives me a hug with a slight squeeze and I felt warmer with her hug than I did the latte..

"Tell Rachel she can come join us for lunch," she looked at me with her blue eyes and they were lit up with genuine- whatever you call it.

"Will do," I reached for my phone and texted her to bring her sunshine ass up on here.

"What about dad?" I carefully pulled away from her this time and she took a lock of her hair and pulled it back from her face as she went back to cooking.

"He can starve for all I care," Lillian's growl was low.

"I mean when he comes home. Rachel is here," I explained and tried to fight a smile. She can't stand him right now.

"That's on him. He just said he was going to come home and that was it. We're not going to stop whatever we're doing just so it's in his favor. He should've stopped what he was doing to make things right with you but he didn't do that, so why should we?" She flipped the steak over.

"I thought you were the bigger person", I raised a brow and Rachel let herself in with the spare key.

"Who the hells told you that?" She smirked and it left me slightly shocked.

"Hi soon to be Mrs. Edwards!" Rachel chirped as she waved in.

"Hey sweetie!" Lillian went into the oven and pulled out a pot of mashed potatoes that smelled amazing.

"Help me plate these?" She tosses her oven mitts and reties her apron to be tighter.

"I got the-

"I can plate them! Go help her," Rachel nudged me in my stomach making it ache and growl again as she whispered before walking off.

I grunted softly and made my way over to face Lillian's back.

"Here, let me," I was inches away from her and her hands dropped to her sides. I took the strings and pulled them to tie off. She gasped softly as I tied them because my force brought her body closer to mine and there was just silence between us.

"I didn't tie it too tight, did I?" I started having second thoughts.

"No- uh, thank you," she was blushing when she looked at me.

Lillian quickly cleared her throat and turned back around to finish cooking the steak.


And not just her- I felt weird as well...

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