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AN: I was fighting symptoms of depression oopsies <3

Lillian's POV

"Do we actually have to go?" Stefani whined.

"No, I actually have to," I giggled realizing the days flew rather quickly.

"That's what I said," she sassed me as she helped me carry my luggage to my car. I packed lightly, but I wish I could stay longer.

"No you said we, implying that you were coming along," I unlocked the doors and opened the trunk.

"you're my other half... of course I said we," she mumbled to herself as she hoisted my belongings.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," I jingled my keys.

"I said... drive safely," she grunted in annoyance and I giggled knowing what I initially heard.

"Good thing there's more than one way to communicate your feelings. Your contrasts fill the other parts of me as well," I held the side of her cheek and I could feel her jaw clench.

"Tease," she muttered and I pecked her cheek.

She makes it so fun to get under her skin, I honestly can't help myself.

Stefani tugged on my arm pulling me back into her trance and she gripped my wrists pinning them against the side of my car- Stefani I fed you twice this morning.

Literally and figuratively.

"I could take you right here in front the neighbors, where do you think you're going?" Her lips curled and I could see my own breath tremble in the cold.

"And let the neighbors see?" I was looking frantically around but there isn't a house in sight.

"Please. The homes here are miles apart. We value privacy in this community," Stefani taunts as she leans in closer and I could feel the heat radiate from her body.

"And freeze out here?" I almost laughed until her finger found the bottom of my chin leaving me in agony for wanting to feel her lips after being nurtured by her warmth.

"Why don't you just cut the shit," she almost grimaced as I could feel her teeth gently nip at my skin sending deeper chills on my neck.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I only said I don't want to freeze out here in response to this conversa-

I softly gasped trying to resist but her hands pin my waist and instead, I give in.

"If you don't want me to fuck you here, tell me where," Stefani's lips trailed up to the bottom of my chin and I could feel my own voice tremble with a lag in my throat.

"I never said-

I felt a sharp pain on the side of my thigh that practically burned but Stefani's hand goes over it again with a soothing touch of her. As she's feeling my body, I hook my leg around the back of her waist bringing her closer to me and I felt her ice cold fingertips tease the inner parts of my thighs.

"I said tell me where," she growled lowly as she nips my ear playfully and her fingers toy with as they slide up my shaft.

"Later, I just have to check on him- you know, the man that doesn't know I'm engaged to his daughter?" I had to snap back in reality and cup Stefani's face as well.

"It's like I do all that I can and he can just breathe and all my efforts are outdone," she scoffed and pulled away giving me space.

"Our time will come, you know it will.. it's all part of the plan," I ran my thumb against her cheek and her green eyes locked in with my mine.

"I hate this plan," she nearly pouts and i kissed her tenderly.

"Aww but honey... it was your idea," I let it sink in for a moment before she frowned and I laughed.

Stefani whirls me around and pins against the car door again, this time with her knee in between my legs as her hands have a tighter grip on my waist.

"When are you coming back?" Her eyes searched me- have they always been green? I could've sworn they were brown... I have read articles about some genes being able to change their eye color due to weather changes...

"Lillian," Stefani's voice was deeper and bolder.

God I wish I can divorce him with out drawing attentions suspicions that I'm head over heels for his step daughter.

"Before you know it," I softly smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"You're corny," she scoffed.

"You're one to talk considering I'm your other half remember?" I smirked back.

"I'm gonna fuck you til you forget," she kissed my neck taking one last whiff of my perfume and I felt myself getting weaker as her knee pressed harder against me.

"...and im gonna fuck you til you remember, I'll be back stefani," my voice trembled and she giggled mischievously before kissing my lips one last time.

A/N: well- as I get my life together, I reread the book to get a sense of wtf is what bc Ah ha ha, I forgot everything-  and I realize the book initially started in Miami and it now takes place in New York😭😭😭

Im aware of the mistake- might fix it but bro im in so bad, i don't even care man.

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