Chapter 34

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Stefani's POV

"Soooo wanna talk about it?" Rachel broke the silence of my engine revving.

"I went along with your idea last night. I actually had fun. For once in my life I enjoyed myself with Lillian in my presence. She initially wanted to bond with me when she moved in, I literally gave her that opportunity last night and now she wants space," I was focused on driving- not really, I'm practically speeding down the express way.

"But she had fun too right?" Rachel asked.

"We literally came home with tired smiles and laughs. I know damn well she had fun and now she wants space from a person she practically lives with," I cursed as I swerved into my dad's enterprise.

"Wait in the car, come with me, I don't give a shit," I parked the car and hopped out.

Rachel came along without hesitation and I had my phone out and ready as I marched right towards the elevators.

"Uh- miss, Kent Edwards is in a meeting right now, give me your name and I can-

"I'm his daughter," I cut her off and hit the 23rd floor with a burning sensation that made me sick.

"So what's the plan? Why are we here?" Rachel stood awkwardly in the elevator with soft jazz playing.

"I'm here to give Lillian what she wants. She wants space? Fine, I'll give her plenty," i gritted my teeth.

The elevator stopped at our destination and I saw Kent's office with the door closed. His assistant's desk is left unattended with a small sign that said "on lunch break".

"Are you sure you can come here unannounced?" Rachel tried to reason.

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes in irritation and banged on his door.

I heard rummaging and things being toppled and I continued to aggressively knock.

"I thought you made sure you told the front desk that I was having a meeting," I recognized Kent's voice.

"I-I did, I don't know who's-

"I'm so sick of SHIT-

I kicked the door and broke the lock on it as the knob became loose and saw the door swing open with the sick doves entangled in each other's embrace.

Lipstick was all over Kent's wide eyes as the assistant's hair was a fucking mess- not to mention her Ralph Lauren dress suit.

Without hesitation, I took out my phone and recorded a couple seconds of the two sluts and snapped photos along the way while I recorded and left them with the door wide open.

"Uh- hi Stefani's dad... hi Stefani's dad's assistant," Rachel waved awkwardly.

"Rachel, bring your ass now!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as the elevator door opened.

"Stefani!" My dad yelled and tried to catch up to me.

"Put some damn clothes on then contact me," I scoffed in disbelief.

"I- wow, we really- you really just did that," Rachel was amazed and I was scrolling on my phone keeping the new captures in my hidden folder.

"So how's this going to give Lillian space- you think this is going to make her leave? I mean it will but Stefani, it's going to hurt her," Rachel reminded me and I let her words sink in...

"I'm not stupid," I calmed down.

She wants to be with Kent so badly, I'll gladly step out the picture if I'm the problem.

I just thought-

I didn't know what I thought, nor do I want to. I don't have time.

In an instant, Kent was calling my phone and I strut right out waving off the front desk lady as I entered the parking lot and sat in my car.

"Speak," I started the car.

"Stefani, what are you doing??" I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Listen here and listen clearly... You're going to let me get that dorm and I'm going to do my best to not show Lillian the mess of a bastard you truly are, are my words precise or should I go to the front desk and announce it over the intercom?"  I made sure every word was crystal clear.

I saw Rachel's eyes lifted in shock as to what's taking place.

"Fine! Done! Whatever you want!" My dad was practically feeding out of my hand.

"Thank you. Make sure you don't smell like her," I hung up in his face cutting him off from whatever else he was about to say.

"So what's next?" Rachel was completely in shock with everything around her.

"Coffee, going home and packing whatever I need, a five star hotel for the next day or two to get myself together for the pitch sale tomorrow and then I'll be catching my flight to Massachusetts's for that exam and I won't come back until I know for certain I'm getting accepted into that college. And when I come back- Rachel, it'll be the last time you'll be seeing me in that place giving Lillian all the damn space she pleases," i revved the engine again.

"Uh- honey, you forgot I'm rich and just as smart in other subjects. Business may not be my strong suit, but I can certainly become an English major for the hell of it. I didn't just sign you up, I signed myself up to attend that school as well," her eyes smiled brightly in mine.

I shook my head with a tired smile... this is truly my other half.

"What the hell, Rachel," I fought the urge to laugh.

"Uh- we in this together Bitch. You're not leaving me. Make sure that hotel has two beds, I'm coming too," she sassed with a laugh.

"Then it's set in stone," I relaxed myself and gripped the steering wheel.

"Hell yeah, skip coffee, let's go get you packed," she was genuinely excited with how impulsive my decision making went.

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