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Stefani's POV

Even after the performance kent is still nowhere to be found..

I clenched my jaw in the women's bathroom, I didn't even realize I clenched my fists.

"Damnit," I slammed my fist on the counter as I stared at my reflection.

I heard a creek from the doorway and I composed myself with a brief breath. I casually washed my hands as an excuse to mind my business when two other women stepped in.

I paid no mind and made my exit.

A wave of chatter bombarded my thoughts as I enter an entirely new scenery- so much damn noise.

Where the hell is he?

The ballroom was nicely lit with chandeliers etched in the ceiling in ever direction. Multiple refreshment tables were evenly displayed. The staff were dressed in white button ups and velvet purple vests. Everyone was dressed their very best tonight, you couldn't even tell this was a company party it looked so elegant. Not even- this is a fundraiser...

The auction, I was going to auction the car Olly had given me a while ago.

Well, let's get the matter dealt with. So many things on tonight's agenda, why dread on one thing beyond your current control when the others can be dealt with immediately?

I don't like interactions.

I hate public speaking even more. I remember when I sold my beauty brand before leaving to Massachusetts- I remember where I was in life back then... having a midlife crisis about the life I wanted to live: I originally wanted to be an entrepreneur to live life on my own terms only to realize that once im at the top, I'd be left responsible for everything beneath me that I've used as leverage to make my climb.

I didn't want that after confessing my true feelings. I didn't want to end up like- like him.

I wanted to live.

I went to college thinking that my answer lies within my path only to find myself back where I was months ago; who am I and what exactly is my purpose?

I don't want much, just enough.

I'm not one to be in favor of effort and labor as a career. I can retire right now and still be well off. But no, I don't find myself satisfied with doing 'nothing'...

Other than Lillian, what more is there that I'm missing?

Why so suddenly do I feel this way.

"Before our brief announcement of our annual company Christmas party and fundraiser, I would like to add on to tonight's events with a little auction- no not the auction of paintings. That's for later, how about a car to keep the momentum?" The announcer spoke on the small stage catching everyone's attention.

What the hell?

"Hey," Veronica wrapped her arm in mine.

"What's going on?" I was so out of it.

"I overheard rumors of you auctioning one of your cars. I went to go look for you and it's not like you to be so spaced out, so I had one of the speakers take it out of your hands," Veronica rested her head on the side of my shoulder.

For some reason, I could finally breathe.

It's so much going on, I'm having a hard time trying to process everything.

"Let's get some fresh air," she guided me out the front entrance after retrieving our coats.

My face was hit with such cold air, I almost coughed.

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