Burning questions-Florence(fluff, suggestive themes)

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*so this is my second chapter hope you will like it. Love Callie❤️*

I am sitting in bed in our home drink a tea and waiting for my girlfriend to be in the new Ellen show episode. Me and Flo have been dating for almost 4 years and I couldn't be any happier.

I am starting to get nervous because I promised Flo I am gonna watch it today and to be honest I am pretty tired and I feel like I am gonna fall asleep.

Suddenly I hear voice of Ellen DeGeneres saying name of her host. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome the Oscar nominated actress Florence Pugh!" Crowd starts to cheer. My tiredness disappeares when I see the adorable smile of my girlfriend greeting Ellen.

They sit down and start to talk. After a while Ellen asks Flo a question about me. "So I heard that your girlfriend Y/N couldn't make it today because she's sick. Is it true?" "Yeah it is" Florence says calmly "To be honest she still wanted to come here and be with me, but I forced her to stay home so she can feel better." Flo chuckles. "But I am hundred percent sure that she is watching right now" Florence looks straight into camera and blows a kiss."I love you. Hope you feel better." She smiles adorably.

After a while of talking about Flo's new movie Little Women There is a commercial break and after that I see Flo sitting next to Ellen ready to play Burning questions.

Ellen starts. "Okay so everyone knows the rules Florence do you know how to play this game?

"I think so, yes. I am really nervous thought." Florence chuckles nervously

"It's okay. There is nothing to worry about." Ellen says sarcastically making the crowd laugh.

"So my first question is. Have you ever made a decision and regreted it immediately?"

Florence laughs "Yeah, right now." She remarkes and press the button. Crowd erupts with laughter.

"Okay you hurt my feelings." Florence laughs. "Sorry I didn't mean to" she says in serious tone. "Anyway." "My second question is. What body parts do you find most attractive?"

That is a easy question and I know exactly what Flo will say.

Florence stops for couple seconds and then answers. "Eyes, lips, hands." She presess the button and look at Ellen watching her with wide eyes.

"What?" She laughs nervously.

"Hands? You really find hands attractive?" Ellen asks raising an eyebrow.

"I mean yes. Hands are really attractive I bet half of the crowd think so too." Flo says with confidence.

Ellen turns to crowd. "Really?" The crowd cheers. "Wait everyone who thinks hands are attractive raise your hand."

Camera shows everyone in the room and more than a half have raise hand.

"Ha. Told you." Flo says happily.

"Wait can we find some photo off a hand and  you can tell me if you find it attractive."

Then camera shows a big TV with a photo off hand. Wait that's my hand.

"Ouu that's Y/N hand. She has like the most attractive hands I've ever seen." Flo says seriously.

I catch myself blushing. This woman is gonna be the death of me.

"How did you recognize her so fast?"

"I wouldn't continue in this conversation." She says and smiles innocently.

Heat again rises up my cheeks. She for sure knows what she is doing to me.

"Okay so my other question is. Which movie filming did you enjoy the most?"

"Oh shoot that's a tuff one. I don't want anyone to get offended. I loved every single filming I' ve been in but my favourite was probably Little Women because I got to wear those pretty dresses and the 19. century atmosphere was just something for me."

"Thanks for the answer. My fourth question for you is when you hear the word bed what are the first 5 things you think off?"

Florence immediately burst out laughing. I know what she is thinking and evidently everyone in the room knows it because they are laughing too.

"Okayy I am gonna answer it. When I hear the word bed I think off home, Y/N, love, sleep and sex." Florence says absolutely seriously but is trying not to laugh.

The crowd erupts in laughter and I am chuckling in front of a TV.

Florence after a while turns to Ellen who is still laughing. "Can I have another question please?" She asks politely with a smile

"Yes of course, but you forgot to press the button."Flo quickly press it and  the crowd calms down and Ellen starts to talk.

"Which one do you prefer more baths or showers?"

"It depends on the mood. But I use shower more than a bath on daily basis."

*Ellen asks a couple of another questions*

"So my last question is. Have you ever been in handcuffs?"

Ouh hell yeah you were Flo. Are you gonna lie or tell the truth. I tell myself

Flo looks straight into camera "Yup."

"Really have you been arested?"

"Hell no. I' ve never had problems with police." She laughs softly.

Ellen quirks an eyebrow. "So it was in a movie?" Some people start to laugh as they realised what's going on.

Flo still smiling shook her head to imply no.
" This is all I've got to say and I am gonna just leave it here." She utters with a smug smile still looking into camera.

God I am so in love with her.

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