memories - Flo (angsty)

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I walk around my old school trying to get some inspiration for my album. I think of all the memories from my childhood the good and the bad. I go behind the building to this place where we used to hang out. I look at the bench and I get a wave of inspiration. I think about how much I wanted to kiss her right here on this bench and tell her what I feel. How much I wanted her to stay.
I sit there. I take my diary where I write songs and start to scribble something.

After an hour I decide to go back to my sisters place. I am currently living in New York but I needed to get out of the city and where else could I go then to the city I was born in Oxford. My sister has been kind enough and lets me stay with her while I wonder around Oxford trying to put my memories into my work.

I shut the door and go to the living room. "Finally you're here. I thought you got lost somewhere." My sister chuckles. "I am fine Ali I just lost track of times." I sigh and sit on the sofa next to her. "You seem exhausted." She says worried. "I just got nostalgic and shit." I mumble closing my eyes.

"You wrote something?" She asks curious. I don't want to lie to her but I also don't want to talk about it. "Mhm." I answer hoping she will get the hint and let's it be. I can feel her looking at me. Please don't ask. Please. I squeeze my eyes. Then I feel a pillow on my face. "You wanna watch a movie?" She smacks again and laughs. "Yeah." I chuckle and get comfy on the sofa.

She puts on some cheesy rom-com and we silently watch the movie. But my mind is elsewhere. I keep coming back to that day when she told me she's leaving and moving to America. I wanted to beg her to stay but she loved her work and was happy when she could act on a big screen and here in Oxford it was impossible. I loved her too much to not let her go. I haven't even noticed that the movie is no longer playing.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Ali aks me. I think about what should I tell her. "Did something happened on your walk?" She asks me moving to wrap her arms around me rubbing my back.

"I just." I swallow the lump in my throat. "I visited a place and it brought up some memories." I say as my voice shakes. "Y/n you can tell me anything I am here for you." She reassures me and I decide to tell her. "Do you remember Florence?" I ask her as I look her in the eye. She nods waiting for me to continue. "She told me she's leaving when we were 19. We were sitting on the bench behind school the one that everyone considered a smoking bench." I take a deep breath. "I wanted to tell her I love her." I say as tears well up my eyes. My sister squeezes me more to comfort me. "Before I could tell her she told me she's moving to LA and I just couldn't bring myself to tell her what I felt. I thought that if I bury the feeling and say nothing it will disappear. That one day I'll fall in love with someone else." Tear slides down my cheek. "But I never did. I was in a relationship six months ago but when I had to took the next step and say I love you. I just couldn't." I say. "Not when it's not her." "Y/n you're telling me you're in love with Florence?" Ali says gently and I nod. "It's been 7 years since you two last spoke I thought that it passed." I shake my head crying silently.

"Oh Y/n come here." She hugs me tighter. "You need to tell her Y/n. You've been suffering for 7 years you have to tell her what you feel." Ali tells me as I cry in her arms. "I met her in New York before I came here. She has a boyfriend." I tell her and my voice cracks. Ali runs her fingers trough my head trying to comfort me. We spend twenty minutes like this until I fall asleep.

When I wake up I see my sister with my diary in her hands. "Sorry I just wanted to see what you're working on." She immediately apologizes. I shake my head. "It's okay go ahead I tell her and she opens the book and reads. She frowns slightly. "That's beautiful Y/n. How does it sound?" She asks me.

"You want me to play it?" I ask her and she nods. "I have a guitar upstairs I'll go get it. Minute later I sit on the sofa with guitar in my hands and I start to play the tune.

Sorry I didn't kiss you

But it's obvious I wanted to

Bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse

But my luck couldn't get any worse

'Cause I swallowed the bubble gum

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty

Pink flowers grow from my skin

Pepto Bismol veins and I grin

You look so nice in your shirt

It's sad because it just hurts

I'd do anything for you

But would you do that for me, too?

'Cause I swallowed the bubble gum

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb

Oh, pink flowers grow from my skin

Oh, Pepto Bismol veins and I grin




I finish the song and put down the guitar. "It's about her." I tell Ali and she nods. "Y/n I am sure it will all be okay." She reassures me. "There will be an opportunity to talk to her I know it." She says. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." I mumble silently wishing it's true.

*So this is something different that what I normally write. I was just bored and depressed and this came out lol*

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