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*Happy holidays and Happy new year<3*

"Darling wake up."

"Wake up please." I hear Florence's voice.

I rub my eyes to get rid of my sleepiness. When I open them I see Flo with an adorable pout. I look over at my phone to look at the time.

"It's 2:40 am why are you waking me up love?" I ask still tired.

"I am hungry." She whispers.

I chuckle.

"And what would you like to eat m'lady." I tease.

"Cookies?" She asks hesitantly.

I smile and kiss her nose.

"Okay Imma get you some. Just lay down and wait."

I get up from the bed and go to the kitchen. I open the storage door and look for some cookies. Shit. Nothing is there. I go back to bedroom and Flo is sitting there all exited.

"Baby we don't have any cookies." I say sadly.

Her smile immediately turns to sad frown.

"Can you buy some please?" She asks.

I go to sit next to her and rub her growing belly gently.

"It's almost 3 in the morning every shop is closed." I sigh.

"But I am craving the cookies so badly." She whimpers and tears roll down her cheeks.

"Great and now I am crying without reason. This pregnancy is giving me hell." She whimpers again.

I lay down next to her and let her cuddle into me. I wrap my arm around her and the other one rest on her baby bump. We lay like this for couple of minutes and then I have an idea.

"Maybe I can call my mum if she has some. She lives 15 minutes away." I say out loud.

Flo looks up at me with a hopefull smile.

"You would do that for me?" She asks.

"For you I would do anything." I chuckle and kiss her lips gently.

Then I take my phone and dial my mum. She's gonna kill me for calling in this hour.

First beep, second beep, third beep-

"Y/N darling is everything okay why are you calling this late." Mum speaks. I can hear she is tired.

"Everything is perfectly fine mum. Just one thing." I say.

"Speak." Mum demands.

"Do you have any cookies home right now?" I ask.

Mum laughs.

"Florence has cravings right?" She asks still laughing.

"Yeah. How do you know?" I ask confused.

"Darling I know how pregnant woman feels and yes I have cookies you can pick them up." She says.

"Okay. Bye love you."

"Drive safely love you too."

Mum says her goodbye and I put the phone down. I look at my wife who is searching answers in my eyes. I fake being sad so she thinks mum ain't got the cookies.

"So?" She asks hopefully.

"She." I sigh deeply.

"Has the cookies I am driving there now." I say the rest quickly.

Flo punches my shoulder gently and laughs.

"You asshole I was about to cry again." She complains.

I chuckle and go to change clothes.

"I'll be back in half an hour okay." I mumble as I give her a soft peck and then I kiss her belly.

"If anything happens I have my phone. Call me okay. I love you."

"I love you too. Bring me my cookies please." Flo chuckles and I am on my way to the car.


I knock on the door couple of times and mum lets me in.

"Y/N you were quick." She mumbles as she rifles through the storage for cookies.

"Well I have grumpy pregnant wife in my bed and she want cookies so I better be quick." I say back with a smile.

"Oreo's?" She asks.

"I don't know Flo didn't specify." I rub the back of my neck.

"I'll give you everything I have here." Mum mumbles and takes the big box with all kinds of cookies.

"Mum you don't have to give me everything just give me something and I'll go." I say.

"Nonsense you have craving wife at home as you said. Trust me her appetite will be all over the place so you better take everything and go." Mum commands.

I sigh in defeat.

"You're right, but I am gonna buy you everything back." I say as I go to the door with the box.

"Don't worry about it. Now go and say Florence hi from me okay?" Mum talks as I place the box in the passenger seat.

"I will. Thank you mum you are life saver." I hug her and drive off.


I open the door with my elbow because the box is so big. I place it on the floor and lock the door. Then I sprint to the bedroom. I open the door and se Flo watching Netflix. Her smile shines when she makes eye contact.

"I have cookies for you love and mum is saying hi." I tell her and place the box on her legs.

"Oh my god thank you."

She mumbles immediately ruffles trough it and opens one pack. Meanwhile I change back into my pyjamas and lay next to her. I watch her opening one pack after another and chuckle.

She looks at me with a grin.

"You have no idea how much I love you right now." She pronounces seriously.

"And you have no idea how cute you are and how much I love you too." I mumble back.

She grins again and leans to kiss me deeply. I kiss her back tasting the cookies on her tongue.

Then she pulls away and opens another pack. She takes the cookie out and shoves it in my mouth. It took me by surprise and she starts to laugh at my expression, but I don't really care. I would do anything to make her happy.

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