Bad luck in game, good luck in love-Florence (fluff)

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*I didn't proof read so I am sorry for mistakes. Enjoy the reading.*

When I met Florence I was fifteen and we went to a school together. We bonded over our passion for music and art. I was spending a lot of my teenage life with her and her family because my family wasn't very supportive of me. Since that we've always been here for each other. I don't know when it happened but as we grew up I started to see Flo in different way. I saw how beautiful she is and how kind and thoughtful she is. I fell in love. I never told her though in fear of destroying our friendship. When we became focused on our carriers I hoped it would go away but it never did. Ten years later and Flo is a successful actress impressing the world and I am doing quite well in the music industry.

"When are you going to come to Oxford?" Flo asked me while we phoned.

"I don't know Flo. I really don't want to interrupt your family time." I say hesitantly. Flo invited me to spend the Christmas with her family because I don't speak with mine. I had a fight with my parents 8 months ago and since that we haven't exchanges one word.

"Y/N. You are not interrupting okay. I already told everyone and they are happy you'll be there. Please. Please. Pretty please come to Oxford." She says and I can hear her pouting. She keeps mumbling please until I finally agree.

"Okay I'll be there." I say.

"Yeeeaaah." Flo shouts excited.

"But you'll have to help me pick gifts for everyone." I say my condition because I really don't want to seem rude not bringing anything with me.

"Darling you don't have to buy anything." Flo says. That fucking nickname.

"But I want to and the last time I saw Raffie she was 15 and I am guessing she's not obsessed with Zayn is she?" I chuckle and Flo laughs.

"You would be surprised actually." She says and we talk for a while.


It's 22th of December and I am 30 minutes away from Oxford. I have all of the presents wrapped in my car and to be honest I can't wait to see Flo. It's couple of months since we saw each other in person and I really do miss her a lot.

When I am nearing the Pugh household the nostalgia hits me hard. I see the streets where we daily walked to take a bus to school. I see houses where our classmates lived. When I see the front porch of house I spent so much time in I smile and park on the street.

I get out of my car and take two bags one with my stuff in and the other with presents I go to the door and ring the bell.

"Y/N here!" I hear Flo shout in the house and then the door open quickly. Flo is smiling at me as her nose scrunches adorably I don't hesitate and drop the bags to engulf her in a hug. Butterflies erupts in my stomach as she wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly.

"Hi I missed you." Flo mumbles as she rests her head on my shoulder. "I missed you too." I say back and we stand there couple of seconds until Raffie appears in the door. We let go of each other and Raffie hugs me too. "You're taller then I remember." I mumble with a chuckle and Raffie laughs. "Still you're taller then me." She responds.

We go go the house and I greet Flo's parents and her brother Toby. Her older sister Arabella will be here tomorrow. Flo helps me with my bag and we go upstairs.

"You'll have to share a bed with me. We don't have any room left." She says and opens her childhood room.

"Just like we used to when we were younger." I state and Flo looks at me with a grin.

"Do you still snore thought?" I tease her knowing she'll get defensive.

"I. Don't. Snore." She says dangerously and it makes me laugh.

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